The most obvious situation is the slow transmogrification of western Pennsylvania into a rain forest. My back yard is now almost impenetrable and on the verge of being declared a wildlife refuge. A hike to the storage shed at the back of the property was accompanied by the sounds of wee beasties scurrying through the grass, and I'm not talking about the shelties. Who, by the way, won't venture past the swing set at the partially cleared top half of the yard, probably because the vegetation is now taller than they are. There's stuff back there straight out of a Star Trek episode. And it's adapting to the marsh-like conditions. I think I saw a stink bug wearing scuba gear.
The other problem with the above Weather Channel prediction is that their ten-day forecast contains only nine days. I'm going to attribute that to an HTML/database extraction error. Unless TWC knows something about the Rapture that Harold and his gang have missed.
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