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This is an archive of my DCL Dialogue columns which appeared in DEC Professional (later renamed Digital Age) magazine from March, 1987 through December, 1995.
Thanks to a nameless intellectual property attorney who was seated next to me on a flight from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, all rights to DCL Dialogue reverted to me when Digital Age folded in the 90s. (Broadway and film options are still available. Have your people call my people.)
A couple notes:
These are the text files I submitted to the magazine for publication, so there may be slight differences between what you find here and what actually appeared in print. While I was rarely edited (bless you Linda, Karen, and Lou), there may have been some changes to accommodate space and formatting restrictions.
The link descriptions may differ from the actual titles of the columns. Since most people come here looking for DCL code, that's what's highlighted.
I've tried to remove all outdated addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses- yes, we had them, even back in the '80s- but I may have missed a few. For the most part I have strongly resisted the urge to edit out speculations and predictions which turned out wrong, sometimes spectacularly so. I hope you find them as entertaining as I do.
April, 1999 - DCL Dialogue Online Arrives
DEC Professional/Digital Age columns:
THE WHOLE ENCHILADA - All the columns in one zip archive
Visit Jeff Cameron's OpenVMS Pages.
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