A human being in perfection ought always to preserve a calm and peaceful
mind, and never to allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his
-Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
A sublime religion inevitably generates a strong feeling of guilt. There
is an unavoidable contrast between loftiness of profession and
imperfection of practice. And, as one would expect, the feeling of guilt
promotes hate and brazenness. Thus it seems that the more sublime the
faith the more virulent the hatred it breeds.
-Eric Hoffer
A wise architect observed that you could break the laws of architectural
art provided you had mastered them first. That would apply to religion
as well as to art. Ignorance of the past does not guarantee freedom from
its imperfections.
-Reinhold Neibuhr
Aim for success, not perfection.
-Dr. David M. Burns
American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection that
English women only hope to find in their butlers.
-W. Somerset
Civilization will not attain to its perfection until the last stone from
the last church falls on the last priest.
-Emile Zola
Don't expect perfect products unless you are willing to pay for
-Robert Siegmeister
Finality is death. Perfection is finality. Nothing is perfect. There are
lumps in it.
-James Stephens
Have no fear of perfection- you'll never reach it.
-Salvador Dali
History balances the frustration of 'how far we have to go' with the
satisfaction of 'how far we have come.' It teaches us tolerance for the
human shortcomings and imperfections which are not uniquely of our
generation, but of all time.
-Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
I cling to my imperfection, as the very essence of my being.
I remember what it is like to be in love before any of love's
complexities or realities or disturbances has entered in, to dilute its
splendor and challenge its perfection.
-E.B. White
If you look for perfection, you'll never be content.
-Leo Tolstoy
Imperfections create character.
-Ellen Hopkins
In order to go on living one must try to escape the death involved in
-Hannah Arendt
It is not given to us to right every wrong, to make perfect all the
imperfections of the world. But neither is it given to us to sit content
in our storehouses- dieting while others starve, buying eight million
new cars a year while most of the world goes without shoes. We are
simply not doing enough.
-Robert F. Kennedy
No man is entirely free from weakness and imperfection in this life. Men
of the most exalted genius and active minds are generally most perfect
slaves to the love of fame. They sometimes descend to as mean tricks and
artifices in pursuit of honor or reputation as the miser descends to in
pursuit of gold.
-John Adams
Our credulity is a part of the imperfection of our natures. It is
inherent in us to desire to generalize, when we ought, on the contrary,
to guard ourselves very carefully from this tendency.
People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which
they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it.
Perfection does not exist. To understand this is the triumph of human
intelligence; to expect to possess it is the most dangerous kind of
-Alfred de Musset
Perfection is a trifle dull. It is not the least of life's ironies that
this, which we all aim at, is better not quite achieved.
Somerset Maugham
Perfection is a waste of time.
-Kim De Coite
Perfection is finally attained, not when there is no longer anything to
add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.
de Saint-Exupéry
Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem- in my opinion- to
characterize our age.
-Albert Einstein
So difficult it is to show the various meanings and imperfections of
words when we have nothing else but words to do it with.
The division of labor, which has brought such perfection in mechanical
industries, is altogether fatal when applied to productions of the mind.
All work of the mind is superior in proportion as the mind that produces
it is universal.
-Napoleon Bonaparte
The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection.
The humorous man recognizes that absolute purity, absolute justice,
absolute logic and perfection are beyond human achievement and that men
have been able to live happily for thousands of years in a state of
genial frailty.
-Brooks Atkinson
The indefatigable pursuit of an unattainable perfection, even though it
consist in nothing more than the pounding of an old piano, is what alone
gives a meaning to our life on this unavailing star.
Pearsall Smith
The maxim 'Nothing but perfection' may be spelled 'Paralysis.'
The pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement.
-George F.
There are two things which make it impossible to believe that this world
is the successful work of an all-wise, all-good, and, at the same time,
all-powerful Being; firstly, the misery which abounds in it everywhere;
and secondly, the obvious imperfection of its highest product, man, who
is a burlesque of what he should be.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
There is nothing in machinery, there is nothing in embankments and
railways and iron bridges and engineering devices to oblige them to be
ugly. Ugliness is the measure of imperfection.
-H.G. Wells
To obey orders is all perfection.
-Horatio Nelson
Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.
We must take human nature as we find it. Perfection falls not to the
share of mortals.
-Martha Washington
We think of ourselves as failures, rather than renounce our belief in
the possibility of perfection.
-Stephen Vizinczey
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