I didn't even know he was Catholic. Oh, wait...
So, a 76 year old Pope with one lung. This will end well.
Hyland @uberfiend
You know who should totally be the final arbiter of sexual morality? A
76-year-old man who's never had an orgasm.
-God @TheTweetOfGod
Google Reader died for your pope jokes.
Both Paul Ryan and Pope Francis have a commitment to the poor. But
Ryan's commitment is to make more of them.
I think Elvis would have been a good Pope. He was popular and already
had the wardrobe...
-John Hoskins @BigJohnHoskins
If white smoke means they picked a new Pope, Uncle Rick's Bonneville has
been picking Popes for years.
-Pittsburgh Dad @Pittsburgh_Dad
"New Pope Called Gay Marriage 'Destructive Attack on God's Plan.'" Meet
the new boss. Same as the old boss.
-God @TheTweetOfGod
Somewhere Lou Dobbs is screaming about this Latino who crossed a border
to take someone else's Pope job.
-John Fugelsang @JohnFugelsang
I guess I'll see you all guys in the Pope Jokes section of hell.
Now that we have a Pope, we get that hour of sleep back, right?
Pope being showed his new office. "This is your computer, Holy Father.
Pick a password, don't make it Jesus. Everyone picks Jesus."
The new Pope came out on the balcony, saw his shadow, and realized there
was six more centuries of scandals.
-Albert Brooks @AlbertBrooks
Most awkward part of conclave is now when Cardinals check out and have
to authorize in-room entertainment charges.
The Pope finished his speech. So refreshing he didn't thank his agent.
Boosler @ElayneBoosler
I’m not even Catholic, and I can solidly get behind a Pope Frank.
Jo Bland @jacquebland
I was led to understand that Jack Nicholson & Mrs. Obama would be
announcing #newpope
-John Fugelsang @JohnFugelsang
It looks like there's a new pope but they're still in line waiting to
vote in Florida.
-Elayne Boosler
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