Recent late-night political jokes, from Daniel Kurtzman's Political Humor Blog on
Michele Bachmann is kind of like Sarah Palin but without the charisma-
or marksmanship. You know, maybe we should stop telling kids that anyone
can grow up to be president of the United States.
-Jimmy Kimmel
Bachmann didn't know John Wayne Gacy was from her hometown of Waterloo,
Iowa. The town is about the size of the Wayans family.
The next-most famous person from that town is the guy that grew the
biggest pumpkin at the town fair.
-Jimmy Kimmel
Anthony Weiner is reportedly involved in choosing his successor. The
first question he asked his potential replacements is, 'What's the
difference between 'reply' and 'reply all?'
-Conan O'Brien
Sarah and Bristol Palin made an appearance at a book store. Apparently,
it was 'Bring Your Daughter to a Place You Never Go Day.'
Newt Gingrich is entering the hotdog-eating contest at Coney Island. He
hopes to win because he needs the money to pay his Tiffany's bill.
The Pope is now on Twitter. The church is really trying to connect with
young people- in a way that doesn't involve hush money.
Chris Wallace at Fox News asked Michele Bachmann if she is a flake. I
think that's an insult to the fine folks at Kellogg's.
Blagojevich said he was stunned by the verdict. Apparently, he wasn't
paying attention during the trial.
-David Letterman
She announced her presidency from Waterloo- a name synonymous with
-Stephen Colbert on Michele Bachmann's Iowa campaign
Categories: Stephen Colbert
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