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Political jokes of the week

Published Friday, May 27, 2011 @ 5:12 AM EDT
May 27 2011

Recent late-night political jokes, from Daniel Kurtzman's Political Humor Blog on About.com.

One of Sarah Palin's supporters is about to release a documentary about her called The Undefeated. That's like a documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger called The Faithful.
-Jimmy Fallon

Donald Trump now says he may run for president as an independent. And when Donald Trump says he's going do something, Donald Trump... says he's going to do something.
–Jimmy Fallon

Rudy Giuliani says he may run for President. So now we're up to seven candidates and 35 ex-wives.
-Jimmy Fallon

The average couple fights about sex 87 times a year. And even more if the maid is pregnant.
-Jay Leno

A new Facebook app is coming out that will remind users exactly what they were doing a year ago from that day. Nine times out of 10, the answer will be "wasting your time on Facebook."
-Conan O'Brien

Kirstie Alley did a cartwheel on Dancing With the Stars. But President Obama is refusing to release the pictures.
-David Letterman

Now the pastor guy says the Apocalypse will be October 21. I know some people are saying, "What if I had tickets for Saturday's Apocalypse?" Those tickets will still be good for October.
-David Letterman

On this date 19 years ago, Jay Leno took over 'The Tonight Show.' And it wouldn't be the last time.
-David Letterman


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