We took one of the dogs to the vet yesterday for what we thought would be arthroscopic surgery for a hyperextension injury to her foot. Turned out the damage was so bad she needed arthrodesis- fusing the bones in her wrist/ankle. 16 weeks in a cast and $3.5K for surgery and physical therapy, but this is supposedly the top specialist within 200 miles of Pittsburgh. We pick her up later this morning.
The moving company hasn't been returning our calls, so we called the credit card company. Turns out the amount they charged the card is different than the amount on the charge authorization we signed, so they'll put a hold on the payment until it's investigated. That should get their attention. (It appears their moving skills are exceeded only by their math abilities.)
And finally, I was bitten on the foot by a spider or something while in bed last night. The steroids and Benadryl took care of the swelling by this morning, but I'm in a drugged quasi-stupor and my toe is an interesting color. I may be making a trip to the doctor as well.
Otherwise, I'm happily ensconced in my office surrounded by the pups, snoozing after their morning constitutional, and waiting for the sensation to return to my foot...
Categories: KGB Family
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