John Fugelsang:
Women in combat, free abortions, gay rights and universal health care- at least the GOP doesn't mind when Israel does it.
Rick Perry reminds us how funny it is when the Governor with most executions in history asks for a Second Chance.
Welcome to America, where you don't need photo ID to buy an election, just to vote in one.
I'd like to wish the GOP best of luck in exploiting four dead Americans in Benghazi for 2014 fundraising because Obamacare worked.
Americans work more, take less vacation, work longer days, and retire later -but at least we're not stuck with socialized health care.
'Scalia Law' is a lot like 'Sharia Law.'
'Church and state are and must remain separate.-Ronald Reagan, freedom-hating RINO.'
'Libertarian' is the Latin term for 'Embarrassed Republican.'
Categories: Cleaning off the desktop, John Fugelsang
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