From TL;DR Wikipedia:
A jacuzzi is a brand of whirlpool bathtub containing underwater jets designed to therapeutically massage the user with warm streams of bacteria.
Pandora is an internet radio website that allows users to listen to everything but the song they actually want to hear.
Greece is Europe's Detroit
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (O.C.D) is getting really upset that there's no period after the D in the first part of this sentence.
Pennsylvania is the space between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
1040EZ is an IRS form that sums up how alone, childless, and poor you are in one easy document.
The Watergate Scandal was a major political scandal wherein President Richard Nixon had the audacity to wiretap fellow politicians instead of regular U.S. citizens.
There are two ways to be happy: improve your reality, or lower your
-Jodi Picoult
If the key to her heart is 128 bits or greater, you're probably wasting
your time.
Covert Comic
Why history is important:
Note to self: When I'm writing with voice recognition software, DO NOT
New Georgia state slogan: "We make Florida look safe!"
There's a young rabbit in our back yard who has decided to nest in the stand of tall grass. But he also wanders around in the open. Before I can let the dogs out, I have to check that he's not visible; and if he is, I have to scare him into a secure location. The shelties don't pick up on his scent, but Pixie, the small dog-like creature (aka Shih Tzu) goes immediately to the tall grass and starts tracking. I have to watch her so I can call them back in just before she picks up the scent of his current hiding place.
I hope that dumb bunny develops some smarts, and soon. There are hawks and other raptors about, and one of these days they're going to spot him sunning himself.
Why spelling is important:
AOL email has been hacked, so if anyone from 1994 gets this tweet,
change your password.
Sometimes unconditional love goes both ways.
Nice boots, too.
Conservatives don’t like safety nets because they allegedly make people lazy and careless. But what about safety nets for top executives who fail? Yahoo's recent decision to pay its chief operating officer $96 million for 15 months of work before firing him is just the latest example of handsome rewards for failure in corporate suites.
At least safety nets for the poor help those in need. Safety nets for
corporate executives give them no reason to work hard because even when
they fail they can vastly increase their wealth. One way to discourage
these is to prevent corporations from deducting generous executive
severance payments from their taxable incomes.
-Robert Reich
It's an accepted fact that hot dogs contain insects and rodent hair, but
Kraft is recalling 96,000 lbs. because they have cheese in them.
Ironically, "Cliven Bundy" is what Jerry Lewis yells when he's startled by a black person.
At this point, we're all just waiting for Cliven Bundy to yell "Kansas
City faggots!" and ride an A-bomb into the sun.
Granddaughter Leanna is a straight A student, loves math, is a
compulsive reader, studies martial arts and archery. I think she's going
to be a superhero when she grows up.
And... the desktop is clean.
Categories: Cartoons, Cleaning off the desktop, Miscellany
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