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In line at the convenience store...

Published Sunday, July 28, 2013 @ 11:40 AM EDT
Jul 28 2013

"This is a picture of me when I was younger."

"Every picture of you is a picture of you when you were younger. That's how pictures work."

"Do you say that to everyone who shows you a picture?"

"Yes, but not that many do anymore."

Categories: Dialogue of the day

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Dialogue of the day

Published Sunday, June 09, 2013 @ 2:08 PM EDT
Jun 09 2013

From Lois and Clark- The New Adventures of Superman:

Lois Lane: I like your new glasses.
Clark Kent: Thanks.
Lois Lane: Did you ever think of getting contacts?
Clark Kent: No.

Categories: Dialogue of the day, Superman

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"Too Big To Fail"

Published Sunday, July 08, 2012 @ 12:14 AM EDT
Jul 08 2012

This scene from the 2011 HBO film succinctly explains why financial markets collapsed in 2008. The film pops up from time to time on HBO and various online sources. It's worth watching.

(YouTube video: pivotal scene from "Too Big To Fail")

Categories: Dialogue of the day, Movies, Too Big To Fail, TV, Video, YouTube

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