Quotes of the day- Damon Runyon:
Alfred Damon Runyon
(October 4, 1880 - December 10, 1946) was an American newspaperman and
author best known for his short stories celebrating the world of
Broadway in New York City that grew out of the Prohibition era. To New
Yorkers of his generation, a "Damon Runyon character" evoked a
distinctive social type from the Brooklyn or Midtown demimonde. The
adjective "Runyonesque" refers to this type of character as well as to
the type of situations and dialog that Runyon depicted.
He spun humorous and sentimental tales of gamblers, hustlers, actors, and gangsters, few of whom go by "square" names, preferring instead colorful monikers such as "Nathan Detroit," "Benny Southstreet," "Big Jule," "Harry the Horse," "Good Time Charley," "Dave the Dude," or "The Seldom Seen Kid." His distinctive vernacular style is known as "Runyonese": a mixture of formal speech and colorful slang, almost always in present tense, and always devoid of contractions.
Runyon's fictional world is also known to the general public through the musical Guys and Dolls based on two of his stories, "The Idyll of Miss Sarah Brown" and "Blood Pressure". The musical also borrows characters and story elements from other Runyon stories, most notably "Pick The Winner." The film Little Miss Marker (and its remake, Sorrowful Jones) grew from his short story of the same name. Click for Wikipedia article.
A free-loader is a confirmed guest. He is the man who is always willing to come to dinner.
Always try to rub up against money, for if you rub up against money long enough, some of it may rub off on you.
Get as mad as you like but never get off the payroll.
He who tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted.
I long ago came to the conclusion that all life is six to five against.
It may be that the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong- but that's the way to bet.
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.
She is a smart old broad. It is a pity she is so nefarious.
You can become a winner only if you are willing to walk over the edge.
Categories: Damon Runyon, Quotes of the day
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