KGB Report welcomes you to 2013: May this arbitrary, transient point in
your solipsistic sense of the space-time continuum delineate the
initiation of a series of random events which trend in a manner which
you perceive to be favorable.
Published Saturday, November 17, 2012 @ 2:19 AM EST
I think America might just have spent all day obsessing over loss of
Twinkies. This is why we're not getting a greatest generation book. -@pourmecoffee
What if the Mayan calendar ends in 5105, and we've just been holding it
upside down? -Aaron Karo
Hostess will sell the rights to all their snack cakes, and Twinkies will
once again pour off the production line of a different company. I
wouldn't be surprised if several years' worth of Twinkies aren't already
stockpiled in a warehouse somewhere. I mean, It's not like they're going
to go stale or anything...
A blonde walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a double entendre.
So he gives it to her.
This new thesaurus isn't just terrible, it's also terrible. -Justin
Viagra can cause sight loss. So, you can go blind either way.
(YouTube video: The Big Bang Theory Flash Mob!)
James Bond beat Abraham Lincoln at the box office. Boy, it's really been
a lousy week for Republicans, hasn't it? –David Letterman
No hurry- take all the time you have. -The Covert Comic
Isn't the Twinkie too big to fail? Where's the bailout, Obama? -The
Beachwood Reporter
If you were born in or after April 1985, you have never experienced a
colder than average month. If you've lived in Pittsburgh during that
period, you've experienced the highest and lowest temperatures on record
as well as the greatest 24-hour rain and snowfall totals. So if grandma
or grandpa start to tell you how bad the weather was when they
were growing up, tell them to stick a sock in it.
It's also interesting to note that in April 1985 Coca-Cola changed its
formula and released New Coke.
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Current weather from my backyard in South Park, PA.