Bill was wrong. Thank goodness.
Maybe there are fewer idiots than we thought.
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"Barkes writes like he speaks... incoherently."
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Bill was wrong. Thank goodness.
Maybe there are fewer idiots than we thought.
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Bill Maher is usually correct with his political predictions. He warned us in 2018 that Trump wasn't going to go quietly.
Let's hope he's wrong this time around...
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"Part of the appeal of a Herschel Walker, or a Donald Trump, or any number of egregious assholes that Republicans have backed is, in their mind, the worse a candidate is, the more it says to Democrats, 'Do you see how much we don't like what you're selling?' All that socialism, and identity politics, and victimhood, and oversensitivity, and cancel culture, and white self-loathing, and forcing complicated ideas about race and sex on kids too young to understand; literally, anything would be better than that.
"That's their view. That's why you can be a really bad dude in Republican politics... and it's not a deal breaker. Judge Roy Moore was in his thirties when he was still going to the mall and picking up teenage girls. Eric Greitens was Missouri governor and then this year a Senate candidate despite the fact that his ex-wife said that he beat her. And the kids. And he was charged with tying up a woman he was having an affair with, taking nude pictures and threatening to blackmail her with them. I mean, Andrew Cuomo was creepy but there was no begging to be untied. Al Franken took a gag picture but he didn't go Phil Spector on anybody.
"This is a clear difference between the parties. Democrats also think the other side is an existential threat, but their response is not to nominate sickos to make a point. If it was, they'd have a guy to fit the bill: [photo of former Congressman Anthony Weiner taking a semi-nude selfie]. But they don't nominate him because that would just be trolling..."
Watch the entire video. Maher concludes by explaining why Republicans have no problem running candidates with serious moral or ethical issues. And the scary thing is, it makes some degree of sense.
Categories: Al Franken, Andrew Cuomo, Anthony Weiner, Bill Maher, Democrats, Eric Greitens, New Rules, Phil Spector, Roy Moore
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William "Bill" Maher, Jr. (b. January 20, 1956) is an American stand-up comedian, television host, political commentator, writer, producer, and actor. Before his role as the host of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher hosted a similar late-night talk show called Politically Incorrect, originally on Comedy Central and later on ABC. Real Time has been renewed for its 13th season. (Click here for full Wikipedia article)
America is the only country in the world that's still in the business of making bombs that can end the world and TV shows that make it seem like a good idea.
Be a freethinker. One reason our politics is so screwed up is because everyone has become so tribal. As you go down the path of life, ask what's true, not who else believes it.
Being a bastard isn't a lifestyle choice; it's something you're born with, like musical talent or an undescended testicle.
Everything is a slippery slope... the world is a luge.
Everything that used to be a sin is now a disease.
Gays are the only people left who want to get married.
Having a computer is like having a small, silicon version of Gary Busey on your desk. You never know what's going to happen.
Hollywood, where the stars are in the sidewalk and the dirt is in the sky.
I don't understand cocaine. If you want to be nervous and edgy, go to work.
I have a problem with people who take the Constitution loosely and the Bible literally.
I think capital punishment works great. Every killer you kill never kills again.
I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder.
If you believe in Judgment Day, I have to seriously question your judgment.
I'm tired of every Republican politician being a medical supergenius on vaginas. I want to hear gynecologists talk about the national debt.
In America, there is no idea so patently absurd that it can't catch on.
It always bugs me when people win awards and thank God. God could give a rat's ass if you win an MTV award.
It takes a village is just a saying. Us other villagers are busy.
It's hard not to be condescending when you're talking to an idiot.
Jews can't eat ham. Jehovah's Witnesses can't buy Girl Scout cookies. The Amish can't drive cars. Catholics can't masturbate. Scientologists can't go to therapy. Baptists can't dance. Sikhs can't shave. And Lord knows, Muslims can't take a joke.
Kids. They're not easy. But there has to be some penalty for sex.
Love means having to say you're sorry every five damn minutes.
Men are only as loyal as their options.
No politician is perfect. But in every election in your life, there will be one choice that is better than the others. Go out and vote for that one.
Politics is about compromises... really stupid compromises.
Steven Hawking once said, the thing about smart people is they seem to be crazy people to dumb people. Don't be afraid to be a crazy person.
Suicide is our way of saying to God, 'You can't fire me. I quit.'
The cable TV sex channels don't expand our horizons, don't make us better people, and don't come in clearly enough.
The problem with the free market today is that it's not free, or much of a market.
There's a beautiful, progressive Canadian-European country here in America. It's just surrounded by rednecks.
We have the Bill of Rights. What we need is the Bill of Responsibilities.
What Democratic congressmen do to their women staffers, Republican congressmen do to the country.
When homophobia trumps terrorism as an issue... wow. This country needs to get laid.
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"As you go down the path of life, ask what's true,
not who else
believes it."
(Bill Maher delivers the commencement address at the University of California- Berkeley, December 20, 2014)
This is your first graduation. This is my first commencement speech, so I'm just excited as you are to be here...
Well, you're both very fortunate and very deserving because I know that this is a school that demands academic excellence. And in a way, we all start life twice, once when we're born, and once when we leave school.
Now, I found the first years of my life after graduating college to be the hardest of my life, because in that second life that you're now starting, you are now infants in the adult world. You're the youngest ones, the ones with the least experience, the least power, the least control... unless your father is Bill Gates or somebody like that, in which case you may not need this speech.
But if not, I have been given the privilege of talking to you for the first 15 minutes of your second life. It's like you just came out of the womb and I'm the doctor who is slapping you now.
So I'd like to take your first 15 minutes, with the phones off- maybe the last time in your life all the phones will be off- to try to save you anguish by passing onto you the important lessons that I learned in my life. To do anything else is really not to understand why we're here today, after all the hard work that you put in in those buildings out there.
This institution is all about passing on knowledge. You know, humans have gotten as far as we have because we're selfish about a lot of things, but not about knowledge. When humans learn something good, they tend to pass it on. The guy who discovered how to make fire gave that shit away for free. I mean, at least until he figured out how to sell ad time on it.
So the first thing you have to know is: It goes fast. Your life. I'm gonna be 59 next month and I know when I thought of 59 when I was your age. I didn't know much about it, but I knew it was something that was never going to happen to me. There was just too big of an ocean of time out there before I got there. No. It's actually the blink of an eye. And because of that, people often say "Make each second count."
Don't do that. That's too much pressure. That sounds like one of those vacations where there's something scheduled every minute.
No, actually, some of the greatest times of your life are going to be idly goofing around. Like I have to tell you, a bunch of college kids! However, the other side of that is, don't goof around too much. Taking time off to travel or to find yourself, that's cool. But if you do it until you're 30, you'll probably find it harder to elbow your way into the rat race. Now you may not want to be in the rat race. That's cool. But it's also cool if you want to be in the rat race. It doesn't make you a rat! This is America. There's nothing wrong with competitive people wanting to win... Just do it with compassion and perspective.
Not like a Republican.
I'm kidding, of course. No, keeping perspective is maybe the most important way to stay sane throughout your life, and losing it- losing perspective- is a great way to sabotage what otherwise could've been a really good life. Do you know that opinion polls this year, in America, were very bleak? People thought that this country, and the world in general, were going to hell in a handcart.
They saw a passenger plane just disappear. They saw black-hooded ISIS fighters behead innocent people on YouTube. They learned that Ebola can get across the globe in less than 24 hours. Unless it's on United.
My point is: We all want perspective. The world seems scarier than ever, but the facts- the truth is- is that the world, although still very troubled, is actually less violent, less engaged in war, and more prosperous than it's ever been.
As a species, we do seem to be advancing. And when I think about my own life, I feel very lucky that I was born in what could prove to be a real sweet spot in history. I was born after electricity, after antibiotics, and (thank you Jesus) especially after indoor toilets. I was born after those things, but I was born before climate change and environmental destruction could make life on Earth a living hell- Which could happen in your lifetime.
You know, I had my fun with the planet, but you need it to be around and in good shape for another 50 years. So I hope all of you here today consider the environment to be paramount among the many challenges we face, because unless we solve that issue, there are no other issues.
It's true. We need a place to live. We're humans. We need a crib! And the world desperately needs a generation- your generation- to make this a priority the way the Vietnam generation- on this very campus- made stopping that war a priority.
Now some people would say, well, the Vietnam kids, they had skin in the game. They didn't want to get drafted. You have skin in the game! You don't want to get roasted!
All over the world, we see the devastation that pollution is causing: heat waves, oceans that are dying and rising, glaciers melting, species disappearing, droughts, wildfires, Frankenstorms. This is an awful lot for Pat Robertson to blame on gay sex.
We have no more time for dithering on this. Here's a lesson I learned: No politician is perfect. But in every election in your life, there will be one choice that is better than the others. Go out and vote for that one.
Make a difference. That's what you owe everyone who came before you and died so you can live free. And that's what you owe everyone who's sacrificed for you, like your parents. And it's also what you owe yourself, because you'll feel a whole lot better if you do make a difference. And also: making a difference. Making a difference is why I'm a liberal.
Now, you don't have to be a liberal... although, c'mon, it's Berkeley. I think I can speak freely here. I mean, I hope I can.
But let me say something about liberals. I think most liberals would agree that their liberalism springs from one thing above all: compassion. Mine does, because that's how I was brought up by two liberal parents. In my family, we were always on the side of the underdog and those who were being treated unfairly. I grew up in an all-white town in the 1960s, but my parents made sure, that even as a little kid, I understood whose side we were on in the civil rights battles that were going on. We were with Kennedy and against Southern governors who wanted to stop certain people from merely going to school.
Now, there are people in the world today who have the goal of stopping people from going to school. We see it on the news all the time. But what my parents taught me about Southern governors standing in doorways has stayed with me my whole life, no matter who was getting the shaft: black people, the poor, immigrants, gays, women, people who were bullied, people getting raped in the military, veterans, victims of police brutality, people getting poisoned by greedy corporations, you name it. In my house, the only thing we did not have tolerance for was intolerance.
You don't have to be a liberal, but if you call yourself a liberal, you have to fight oppression from wherever oppression comes from, especially of women, gays, minorities, and freethinkers...
That's what makes you a liberal.
And that's the last thing I'm going to suggest to you: Be a freethinker. One reason our politics is so screwed up is because everyone has become so tribal. As you go down the path of life, ask what's true, not who else believes it.
Be unique. Stay vigilant for busting yourself for falling into groupthink. You know, everything good and smart started out mocked by the mainstream.
Steven Hawking once said, the thing about smart people is they seem to be crazy people to dumb people. Don't be afraid to be a crazy person.
You know, I had a funny moment recently. I was sitting in a promo meeting in my office. You know, in television, at the beginning of every new season, networks buy billboards and TV ads for their shows. And they put on the billboard some short punchy advertising slogan like "He's a robot! She's a lesbian!" You know.
But for my show, and for what I do, over the years, we've had slogans like "Enter at your owwn risk" or, you know, "With this Bill, you get change." You know. Some of them are lame, it's true. But this year, the promo department was showing us the new slogans for the new season, and I could tell they were a little afraid to show me the last one, and I said, "C'mon, let me see it! How bad could it be?" It was a picture of half my face, no smile, and it said, "He's not in it for the 'Likes.'"
I said, "I love it! It's so bad ass! It's the best one ever! It's exactly what I wanted to grow up to be!" Don't be afraid to be a crazy person, and understand that the truth is not always popular.
I recognize that this university, on the fiftieth anniversary of the Berkeley free speech movement, made a statement by choosing me for this speech, and I would like to say I appreciate that, and I'd also like to say: I think you made the right statement.
Never forget that we are lucky to live in a country that has a First Amendment. And liberals should want to own it the way conservatives own the Second.
Thank you so much for having me.
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THREE DOG NIGHT- Although, with Pixie the Shih Tzu puppy, it's
probably more accurate to call it a "Two Dog and One Small Dog-Like
Creature Night."
The President said we must stay vigilant against foreign threats...yet
Justin Bieber remains a free man.
-Bill Maher
Damn. I just wrote year of the snake on a check.
St. Peter can tell which new arrivals are from Pittsburgh because when they go toward the light at the end of the tunnel they slow down.
I wonder if clouds ever look down on us and say, "Hey look. That one is shaped like an idiot."
Daughter-in-law Angela with my granddaughter Joelle.
Maybe if we all e-mail the Constitution to each other, the NSA will finally read it.
Categories: Bill Maher, Cartoons, Cleaning off the desktop, KGB Family, Miscellany, NSA, Pittsburgh, U.S. Constitution
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Random stuff, as we await the arrival of Sandy Frankenstorm:
God is so busy making sure women get pregnant, I don't know where He
finds time to make a hurricane.
-Andy Borowitz
Bill Maher: "You once called Mitt Romney the most intellectually
dishonest man in politics. Do you still believe that?"
Frank: "I would strike the word 'intellectually.' "
Time with Bill Maher, 10/26/12)
If you are having trouble multi-obsessing over both the hurricane and
election I will be visiting my mom and will get some tips.
Bloom's Taxonomy defines educational objectives in terms of three core
domains: knowing/head, feeling/heart and doing/hands. These categories
are also useful in dating.
-The Covert Comic
How Not To Get A Picture Of Me.
Lesson 1: poke my girlfriend in the
back at baggage claim and offer her money.
-Sir Patrick Stewart
There are few things more laughable than a political party that can't
get its lie together.
-Robert Brault
If they just called it 'Survivor: Evil/Dumb/Hot/People.' people would
start watching again.
-John Fugelsang
Good thing Zooey Deschanel just sang the anthem cuz it's not like
Detroit has a rich and vibrant musical history to draw from or anything.
Detroit gave us Motown, Aretha, Bettye LaVette. But none of them has a
Fox TV show, so, hey, let's get Zooey Deschanel to sing the World Series
-Greg Kot
Romney promises Hurricane Sandy will not unfairly target rich people.
Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once and space is
what keeps it all from happening to you.
-David Gerrold
BREAKING: Weather Forces Romney to Shift Lying to Other States
However, we had them in the past and will probably have them in the
future, so if you have a time machine, no problem!
Categories: Andy Borowitz, Bill Maher, Covert Comic, John Fugelsang, Patrick Stewart, Photo of the day, Quotes of the day, Robert Brault, Twitter, Weather
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Experts say the entire 2012 election could come down to just eight
states. The states are: confusion, dismay, depression, apathy, shock,
disbelief, despair, and anxiety.
-Jay Leno
After the debate... experts agreed that President Obama won on substance
and I thought: Well, big deal, Lance Armstrong won on several
-David Letterman
In fairness to Sarah Palin, "shuck" and "jive" are just two of the many
thousands of words she doesn't know the meaning of.
-Andy Borowitz
One week after Election Day, the banks will be closed and the military
will be marching in the street.
It's called Veterans Day.
I'm tired of every Republican politician being a medical supergenius on
vaginas. I want to hear gynecologists talk about the national debt.
This campaign has dragged on so long Newt Gingrich is abandoning it for
a younger, hotter, healthier campaign.
-John Fugelsang
Karl Rove said the Tea Party is “not sophisticated;” which is sort of
like saying the Jonas Brothers are “not black.'
I have never been more ashamed for a candidate, Politicizing fallen
Americans is pitiful and unacceptable.
-Colin Powell
Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama. Makes sense. They're both moderate
There's something wrong with our politics if we can't even agree about
rape anymore.
-Andy Borowitz
I’ll be glad when this election’s over so I’ll know for sure whom I
should have voted for.
-Steve Martin
The audience at the debate was instructed to turn off their cell phones
because they might interfere with Mitt Romney's circuitry.
The Insult Comic Dog
Categories: Andy Borowitz, Barack Obama, Bill Maher, Colin Powell, David Letterman, Elections, Jay Leno, John Fugelsang, Sarah Palin, Steve Martin
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From social media, collected in real time during the debate:
Elayne Boosler:
“Boca Raton.” Mouth of the Rat. Just sayin'.
Maybe Mitt could fire Iran.
Mitt: “Gender equality for the middle east.” But not for American women.
Wait. Is this a rerun?
He's gonna ask his parents for the money.
Blame the tumult of the middle east on Obama, because it started only four years ago.
Tumult, that's three! Can meshuga be far behind?
We owe China billions. They've kept us afloat. Let's threaten them!
Mali just declared war on Appleton Wisconsin.
Forget the flag pins. They should have worn squirting carnations.
Albert Brooks:
Romney won the coin toss so the line between them is white.
Romney can see Russia from two of his houses.
Even Syria is bored with this debate.
Romney's expression says “The afterlife is going to be so tough for you.”
The Pentagon just turned to Monday Night Football.
A half hour in. What have we learned? They both don't like war and like peace. Wow.
I don't know who's winning but Iran has just gone to Def Con 4.
Okay. We're back home again. They couldn't talk foreign affairs for more than 30 minutes. That scares me.
Romney keeps bragging about the Olympics. I saw him. His figure skating was embarrassing.
This Christmas Neiman Marcus is selling maps without Israel.
Get tough on China. Make Walmart close at six.
If Romney sweats any more, I get a royalty.
Romney will call China a currency manipulator. China will laugh and sell him another flag pin.
Romney needs a binder full of kleenex.
John Fugelsang:
It's unfair to say Mitt Romney is politicizing the tragedy of Benghazi when he's actually exploiting it.
“The only way to deal with your enemy is to make him your friend.” Abraham Lincoln, appeaser.
“We can't kill our way out”- Mitt Romney. “We need to kill them.”- Mitt Romney, two minutes later
“We have to help these nations build civil societies”- Mitt Romney, previously opposed to Nation Building.
If Iran develops a nuclear weapon Romney/Ryan would respond with the strongest possible tax cuts.
Barack Obama just said the debate table was round & Mitt Romney said it's actually flat.
Mitt Romney will stand up to Iran, Syria & Putin and is also afraid to go on The View.
”Attacking me is not an agenda“ Mitt Romney, whose foreign policy plan has consisted of attacking the president on Benghazi.
Romney strongly supports gender equality in middle east; and will get back to you with his opinion on Lily Ledbetter act here.
It's fitting that Mitt Romney resembles Reed Richards from Fantastic Four as his magic power is superhuman stretching.
Mitt just said we should've been more involved in Syria & also been less involved. Those Bush aides were worth every penny.
Mitt Romney believes our government has to solve problems in Syria while letting the Free Market solve problems here.
Romney is clearly winning on making the foreign policy debate not about foreign policy
Mitt Romney just found a way to bash teachers' unions during a foreign policy debate.
I want Bob Schieffer to grab Romney by the lapels and scream “WHERE'S THE MONEY, LEBOWSKI?!”
Mitt wants to repeal Obamacare and increase the Pentagon budget to defend Israel's right to universal (health) care.
Mitt just mentioned how he balanced the budget for the Olympics, leaving out the millions in government earmarks that balanced it.
Non millionaires who voted for Bush and support Romney deserve presidents like Bush and Romney.
Hey, Mitt- If you hate our tax system and want a religious conservative government with no abortion or gay marriage, Iran is waiting for you.
Mitt Romney is ahead on impersonating Albert Brooks' flop sweat from Broadcast News.
“The tightest sanctions must be tightened.”- Mitt Romney. He said that.
Obama took out bin Laden but wait til President Romney takes out Oscar the Grouch
Somewhere in Hell Richard Nixon is embarrassed over Mitt Romney debate sweat
GOP blaming Obama for the slow recovery is like Lucy blaming Charlie Brown for missing the football.
Andy Borowitz:
Romney: “No one has more experience abroad than my money.”
Romney: “I would bring all female troops home in time to cook dinner.”
Both candidates' use of the numbers 1 through 5 underscores the importance of keeping Sesame Street.
If he loses, Mitt Romney has a bright future as a Clipart character.
Romney: “Across the Middle East, women are being kept in binders.”
When Romney is listening he looks exactly like my dad did when I told him a lie.
We are now discussing the most pressing foreign policy issue facing America today, the reading tests of fourth graders.
Romney: “There's no place more important to me than Israel except Ohio.”
Romney: “If the Prime Minister of Israel called me, I would do what I do whenever someone talks to me: interrupt him.”
Romney: “Not only do I believe in drones, I am one.”
Romney: “The greatest threat to the world is nuclear powered women.”
Beachwood Reporter
Suddenly every schmo on Twitter is a foreign policy expert.
“That's a perfect segue into the next question which neither of you will answer.”
“And now, a ridiculous question that allows each of you to dispense talking points to your base.
Bill Maher:
Trouble already: Mitt says he wants to impose sanctions on ”Romnesia“.
“Kill our way out of this mess” is the theme of every American movie not about talking animals or weddings.
Aside from talking points, Mitt doesn't know his Assad from a hole in the ground.
Mitt, you do know that most of America thinks Mali is one of Obama's daughters, right?
It's good they agree armed Americans should be involved with everyone, everywhere. We loved armed intervention like Paula Dean loves butter.
Aside from talking points, Mitt doesn't know his Assad from a hole in the ground
Mitt's entire debate strategy: What he just said, but from a white guy.
That's an amazingly specific number Mitt keeps pulling out of his ass, 12 million new jobs. But fellas, this is the foreign policy debate!
Jobs, teachers, education - gentlemen, please, can we get back to killing foreigners?
Bob Scheiffer, could you ask about what's IN the military budget? If people knew specifics,”I wouldn't cut nuttin'” wouldn't sound so good
I like hearing Mitt say how great he was for Massachusetts, the state that will never, ever, ever vote for him.
I can't be the only one who's surprised to find out Buster Posey is a white guy. Sorry, flipped to the game.
I've seen wider ideological differences between Jehovah's Witnesses.
Oh no he din't- Romney said his ultimate BubbleFact, “Apology Tour” right in front of the guy who NEVER WENT ON ONE.
To clarify, Mitt is for moving heaven and earth, but only in regards to mining.
You're losing, Mitt- bring up the fact that we have fewer knives and rocks than we did during the French and Indian War.
Shorter version of Romney: Me strong. Obama weak. Hulk smash.
OK Mitt, one more try: we have fewer catapults and barrels of boiling oil than we had in the crusades.
First debate, all agreed, Obama lost; second one, i say he won, but Romney not trounced. But this one? Only bubbledwellers can say Mitt won
Mitt keeps taking issue with being criticized tonight - did they tell him this is a debate?
OK, one last try: We have fewer Andrews Sisters and Ritz Brothers than we did in 1944. So glad we're done with THAT!
“The audience has taken a vow of silence.” But not celibacy, one hopes.
We are debating during the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This is very important, because we are painfully aware that neither of these men is a Jack Kennedy.
Cutting Obamacare, which the CBO has projected will reduce the deficit, will save money, because MAGIC.
Mitt is in favor of crippling sanctions like the ones Barry has put in place. If elected, he will have the Doctor take him back to the Bush administration to put them in place sooner, and more crippling-er.
Mittens, again with the “tumult.” Why does it sound like Yiddish when he says “tumult”?
You know all about shipping jobs overseas, don’t you Governor? BOOM!
Mitt is pretending that he can feel empathy... Brent Spiner pulled this off a lot more convincingly.
Various fact checkers:
Politifact rated the claim that the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force are smaller than in 1917 and 1947 “pants on fire.”
Romney wants to add $2 trillion to defense that it didn't ask for it. True.
Obama 'promised' 5.4 percent unemployment? Mostly False.
The Onion:
Romney Pledges To Replace All Foreign Policy With Jobs Right Here In America
Categories: Albert Brooks, Andy Borowitz, Barack Obama, Bill Maher, Elayne Boosler, Elections, John Fugelsang, Mitt Romney, Observations, Politics, The Beachwood Reporter, The Onion, The Wonkette
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Comedian Bill Maher asserts the film Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter tanked because no one wants to pay to see a Republican battle imaginary evils...
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How can you tell it's Mormon dogma? It's strapped to the roof of the car.
-Bill Maher
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Could you imagine what Bush would have done if he had gotten bin Laden?
I mean, this is a guy who played dress-up to celebrate a war he lost. If
he had gotten bin Laden, he would have spent his whole second term in a
Batman costume.
–Bill Maher
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Rick Santorum is a bit too conservative for me. He believes life begins
at erection.
-Bill Maher
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Bill Maher returns...
"...cult members always attribute all of their problems to one simple explanation. Now here's an amazing statistic. In a recent poll almost ninety percent of Tea Baggers said that they thought taxes had either gone up or stayed the same under Obama. Only two percent thought they went down. But the reality is taxes have gone down-- for ninety five percent of working families, taxes went down.
"Think about that. Only two percent of the people in a "movement" about taxes named after a tax revolt, have the slightest idea what's going on... with taxes.
"So, it would be easy to just mock, except that those who fall under the control of cults aren't necessarily weirdoes, they're victims. And we shouldn't forget that these people are our relatives, our neighbors and the folks at the next table in the restaurant. Especially if that restaurant is Hooters and it's Dollar Wing Wednesday."
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