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It's far from over

Published Wednesday, November 06, 2024 @ 11:04 PM EST
Nov 06 2024

America is about taking risks- and making mistakes and doing the right thing... eventually. I'm old enough to look back and realize the United States is capable of acts of both stunning achievement and jaw-dropping stupidity, often simultaneously.

But the one thing about America and being an American is knowing that, like a huge pendulum, eventually things swing back from the extreme. Not without effort and debate and cost and lost lives. But sooner or later, things always do get better. And then we'll swing to the other extreme and repeat the process.

The country managed to survive Nixon, Ford, Reagan, two Bushes and one Trump term. We'll get through this, too.

Norman Mailer once said the true religion of America has always been America. He's right. I believe in America. And there are enough believers to insure that despite its disturbing oscillations, we'll always find our way.

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