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Today is Wednesday, September 27, the 270th day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 95 days remaining.
This is the 250th day of Donald Trump's presidency. There are 1,210 days remaining in his term, assuming he doesn't resign, is otherwise removed from office, or his unhinged, psychotic behavior results in the destruction of the republic.
What happened on September 27 from On This Day
Among other things, today is the birthday of National Chocolate Milk Day.
Florida man arrested for acting like stunt driver in Publix parking lot.
Quote of the day:
"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely
overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common
Adams (September 27, 1722 - October 2, 1803)
Samuel Adams quotes)
On this date in 1957, Tonight Starring Steve Allen, premiered on NBC. It was the first version of what eventually became known as The Tonight Show. Tonight was the first late-night talk show, as well as the first late night television series of any time to achieve long-term success. Allen's run as host of the show lasted for two and a half seasons, beginning in fall 1954 and ending with Allen's departure in January 1957.
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GOP repeal and replace is dead again... The Senate won't vote on its latest bill to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act, Sens. Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy announced this afternoon. "We don't have the votes," Cassidy announced after a lunch with Republican senators. "Am I disappointed? Absolutely."
Republicans agree to raise bottom tax rate, double standard deduction. Top White House and GOP leaders have agreed to raise the lowest individual tax rate from 10 to 12 percent, paired with doubling the standard deduction.
Twitter explains why it won't take down Trump's North Korea tweet. Apparently the threatening ravings of a madman is "newsworthy."
A legal startup will pay for you to sue Equifax. The company will mail you a check to pay for a small claims court filing fee (generally between $70 and $100), and will give you a pre-filled legal complaint to send to the court. If you win, they will take 30 percent of the judgment. "If there's a massive citizens' protest, they can't have their officers show up to every small claims court in the country."
New 'Star Trek: Discovery' series boldly goes up most pirated list. The premiere episode, called "The Vulcan hello," is the 12th most pirated video on listing at The Pirate Bay, the most popular search engine for finding illicitly uploaded TV shows and movies.
Twitter to test doubling tweet length to 280 characters. Because it's hard to run a country with 140 character messages?
A nation of snowflakes... The greatest threats to free speech in America come from the state, not from activists on college campuses.
The coming software apocalypse. Don't worry about asteroids and climate change. There's a good chance the software in your car will kill you first.
Earth shines in flyby photo snapped by NASA asteroid probe.
Texas woman dies of flesh-eating bacteria after Harvey.
STD rates continue to skyrocket in the United States. New cases of the three most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the United States have hit a record high, according to this year's Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report, released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Cancer warnings on coffee may be coming to California. Of course, just about every building in California sports a sticker saying it may contain carcinogenic materials. I'll take my chances.
North Korea taps GOP analysts to better understand Trump and his messages. Maybe they'll clue us in, as well...
Taking antidepressants long-term may increase your risk of death significantly. Not counting suicide, of course. Related: Chocolate: a dangerous drug?
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