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Harvey devastation, national bow tie day, march on Washington, Trump speaks for himself

Published Monday, August 28, 2017 @ 1:50 AM EDT
Aug 28 2017

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Today is Monday, August 28, the 240th day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 125 days remaining.

This is the 221st day of Donald Trump's presidency. There are 1,241 days remaining in his term, assuming he doesn't resign, is otherwise removed from office, or his unhinged, psychotic behavior results in the destruction of the republic.


What happened on August 28 from  On This Day


Among other things, today is also National Bow Tie Day.


Florida man revives fish, but still on hook for arrest.


On this date in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "I Have A Dream" speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

Quote of the day:

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (August 28, 1749 – March 22, 1832)
More Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes


What a difference 54 years can make... or not. Racism is still with us, and it remains within our institutions, as the courts and executive branch continue to chip away at voters rights and anti-discrimination laws. I remember what I felt as a nine year old watching King's speech, and contrast it to how I feel with the current administration and, frankly, it's demoralizing. It's not supposed to work like this. We acknowledge a problem, solve it, and move on. This past month feels like the country's been shoved into a time machine, and even with knowledge of the future, the path clearly marked for us, we're making the wrong decisions. All we can do is keep out heads down and keep pushing forward...


Hurricane Harvey's continues to batter Texas with destruction on a biblical scale. The nation's fourth largest city is now more or less an extension of the Gulf of Mexico, and forecasts indicate another two or more feet of rain in the next three days. It will take years and cost billions to recover. Why tropical storm harvey is showing Texas no mercy.


Trump plugs extremist book, promotes himself, and lies about the wall- while Houston drowns.


Tillerson: Trump "speaks for himself" when it comes to American values. One would hope the President's values were the same as the country's.


There's evil in the world that's unrepentant, and I've experienced it firsthand. Arpaio being pardoned is a nightmare come true.


Two schools in Mississippi- and a lesson in race and inequality in America.


Alaska’s permafrost is thawing. The loss of frozen ground in Arctic regions is a striking result of climate change. And it is also a cause of more warming to come.


Tax the Rich and the Robots? California's Thinking About It.


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