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Loving, peanut butter cookie day, Hooters 911, K9 influenza, dead ducks in DC, poisons for murder and suicide, 10 things we didn't know, Trump Dump

Published Monday, June 12, 2017 @ 12:00 AM EDT
Jun 12 2017

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Today is Monday, June 12, the 163rd day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 202 days remaining. Donald Trump has been President of the United States for 144 days. There are 1,319 days remaining in his term, assuming he doesn't resign or is otherwise removed from office.


The New York Times' On This Day for today.


On this day in 1967, The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional. Although not a national holiday, Loving Day, observed on June 12 each year, is the biggest multiracial celebration in the United States.


Among other things, today is also National Peanut Butter Cookie Day.


Florida man called 911 to get a ride to Hooters.


Quote of the day:

"I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too. I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again. In the meantime, I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out."
-Anne Frank (June 12, 1929-February or March 1945)


Conspiracy theorists worried about Rachel Maddow's recent illness... “To think she is on the Kremlin’s radar is not absurd,” DailyKos blogger LibbyD observed. “Her journalism is remarkable and I think she’s getting closer and closer to the truth. We all know what Putin does to his critics and opposition leaders. Will he go as far to do something to Rachel?”

At the very least, MSNBC should spring for a food taster. If anything happened to her, my mother would be crushed.


The canine influenza virus (H3N2) that hit Chicago in 2015 appears to be resurfacing in the southeast U.S. Jerry Klein, DVM, chief veterinary officer at the America Kennel Club (AKC), believes the southeast outbreak began at dog shows in Perry, Georgia, and DeLand, Florida. (Veterinary Practice News)


Nicholas Meyer, one of the most respected creators in Star Trek franchise history (Star Trek II, IV, and VI), is dropping hints that he's involved in an as of yet unannounced Star Trek project. (comicbook.com)


Article VI of the U.S. Constitution states that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." On Wednesday, Senator Bernie Sanders flirted with the boundaries of this rule during a confirmation hearing for Russell Vought, President Trump's nominee for deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget: Bernie Sanders' religious test for Christians in public office. (The Atlantic)


One of those things you stumble upon which makes you wonder why someone thought it would make a good idea for an article: seven major poisons for murders and suicides. Related trivia: a person weighing 150 pounds would have to chew 143 apple seeds to die from cyanide poisoning. (You have to chew... swallowed whole, they just pass through the digestive tract.) (thoughtco.com)


A new study says eating late at night could be more dangerous than you think. You know, according to all of these studies, I died in 1986. (Big Think)


Humans are way better at detecting and avoiding sick people than previously thought. So good, in fact, that our brains can detect disease in others before it even breaks out. (Big Think)


Ten things we didn't know last week, including Barack Obama wore the same dinner jacket and shoes for eight years, your printer might be adding a secret code to all your documents, and there's a schoolboy with a higher IQ than Stephen Hawking. (BBC)


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Chimpanzees do not have human rights. Previous courts have determined that chimpanzees could not be granted legal rights because they're unable to bear "legal responsibilities and societal duties." I can think of a number of elected officials who also fail to pass that test. (Washington Post)


The Navy has been in a long budgetary downward spiral since the Cold War ended. Back then, the Navy had just over 500 ships. Since then the fleet has dropped to 275 ships. And the number of ships that are available to deploy in a combat ready status has dropped to embarrassing lows, putting into question its ability to perform its central missions without further straining material and crews. Shipboard maintenance has been backlogged and ships that should be out to sea are instead sitting pierside, making the 275-ship number much, much smaller in an operational sense. Which is why the Navy is screwed in the new defense budget. (jalopnik.com)


The National Park Service will drain the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool after approximately 80 ducklings were found dead, including 53 in one day. The culprit is a parasite that grows in snails that live in the pool. Humans who come in contact with the parasite could develop cercarial dermatitis, better known as "swimmer's itch." It's not contagious and rarely requires medical treatment, but it's uncomfortable. Crews will refill the pool next Friday and things should be back to normal the following week. And no, this does not count as "draining the swamp."


Trump Dump:

Here's a handy tool with an easy-to-remember URL: www.trumptwitterarchive.com. Conveniently broken down by categories like latest tweets, fake news, losers, etc. And Slate analyzes How Trump wins Twitter.

Trump crashes New Jersey wedding reception. The White House has been largely silent about the President's weekend activities in Bedminster. Members of the traveling press corps, which did not have access to the club, learned of the wedding visit when images started to appear on social media. (CNN)

Donald Trump's state visit to Britain put on hold. Theresa May told he did not want trip to go ahead if there were large-scale public protests.

Naomi Klein: 'Trump is an idiot, but don't underestimate how good he is at that'. (The Guardian)

Calling Comey a liar, Trump says he will testify under oath. The sort of reinforces the idea that Trump does not have recordings of his meeting with the fired FBI-director. Their meeting didn't take place in the Oval Office, and it's unlikely any other parts of the executive mansion are bugged. Of course, Trump could have recorded the meeting on his smartphone, but it's common knowledge the only app he has installed is Twitter. (New York Times)

Trump's lawyer in Russia probe has clients with Kremlin ties. (Washington Post)

The Senate Republican calling 'nonsense' on President Trump. Standing up for Democrats, Charles Grassley is challenging the administration's policy of ignoring most oversight demands from Congress. (The Atlantic)

Were James Comey's leaks lawful? Yes. The vast majority of anonymous leaks are fully legal, many serve the public interest, they follow in a tradition widely practiced by our nation's Founding Fathers, and they are recognized as fully protected speech by the U.S. Supreme Court. (Washington Post)

ABC, CBS, NBC pull big TV ratings from Comey testimony, while BBC leads Facebook Live numbers. According to the Washington Post, the Army-McCarthy hearings in 1954, Watergate hearings in 1973, Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings in 1991 and Clinton impeachment hearings in 1998 were the only previous Congressional hearings to be aired live on broadcast television. (FierceCable)

Preet Bharara says Trump tried to build relationship before firing him. Bharara, the former United States attorney in Manhattan, said the contacts with Mr. Trump made him increasingly uncomfortable because they broke with longstanding Justice Department rules on communicating with the White House. (New York Times)

The leak is coming from inside the White House!Kellyanne Conway is caught mocking Trump staffers including Reince Priebus at DC party- as someone sets up a Twitter account to live-tweet it. (Daily Mail)

Better get a fresh cup of coffee. Here's a comprehensive listing of Trump lies. (Toronto Star)

Old, but relevant... Trump lies 30 times in 170 page transcribed deposition. (Washington Post)

One Journal Square, the Jersey City skyscraper that White House adviser Jared Kushner's family marketed to wealthy Chinese investors as a way to get U.S. visas, will probably need more money: WNYC reports, "A $6.5 million annual tax credit attached to its erstwhile anchor tenant, WeWork, is about to be revoked." (Gothamist)

There's actually much more, but it's Monday morning, for heaven's sake...


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