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OK anniversary, National Garlic Day, 50,000!, Sol and The Doomsday Machine, training cars with GTA, saving the Republic

Published Wednesday, April 19, 2017 @ 12:17 AM EDT
Apr 19 2017

Today is Wednesday, April 19, the 109th day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 256 days remaining.

There are:
3 days until Earth Day;
9 days until Arbor Day;
16 days until Cinco de Mayo;
25 days until Mother's Day;
37 days until the start of Ramadan;
40 days until Memorial Day;
46 days until Pentecost;
56 days until Flag Day;
63 days until the Summer Solstice;
67 days until the end of Ramadan;
67 days until Father's Day;
76 days until Independence Day (July 4);
138 days until Labor Day;
566 days until the 2018 mid-term elections; and
1,372 days until the end of Donald Trump's term as President, assuming he doesn't resign or is otherwise removed from office.


Bob Daemmerich / AFP / Getty

On this day in 1995, a truck bomb exploded outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and injuring more than 680 others. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block radius, shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, and destroyed or burned 86 cars, causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage. Timothy McVeigh was later convicted of federal murder charges and executed. His accomplice, Terry Nichols, was sentenced to 161 life terms without parole.


Among other things, today is also National Garlic Day.


The New York Times' On This Day for today.


Florida man allegedly impersonates cop, pulls over real officer.


Some persons born on April 19 who said interesting things:


Quote of the day:

"If you're going to do something wrong, do it big, because the punishment is the same either way."
-Jayne Mansfield



The KGB Quotations Database passed 50,000 quotes today. Guess it's time to start working on the mother of all quote books...


April 19 is also the birthday of concert pianist and composer Sol Kaplan (1919-1990), perhaps best remembered today for his brilliant musical score to the original Star Trek series episode "The Doomsday Machine."

The most memorable sequence is Kirk's escape from the Constellation- the musical sequence is entitled, appropriately enough, "Kirk Does It Again". This is from the digitally remastered version, with updated cgi effects...

And here's the music, by itself...

The score was so iconic, pieces of it were extracted and used ("tracked") in at least nine other episodes of the series' second season.


CNN reports "a well-placed source said Tuesday afternoon that representatives for Fox and (Bill) O'Reilly have begun talking about an exit. Perhaps the most wicked observation came from Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update, which observed "This week our military dropped the 'Mother of All Bombs' in Afghanistan. The bomb cost $16 million and reportedly took out 94 members of ISIS. Which doesn't sound that efficient, but remember Fox News spent $13 million just to get rid of five women."


Engineers are using the video game Grand Theft Auto to teach its driverless cars. Conan O'Brien joked, "Two Google cars were arrested for beating up a hooker."


If you've ever wanted to go on a bar crawl through Europe to visit all of Ernest Hemingway's favorite haunts, Google Earth has you covered. In a massive update, the virtual globe has introduced a feature called "Voyager." No longer will you be limited to only exploring places you've heard about, nor will you have to resort to randomly clicking on areas of the planet in hopes of finding a gem. Instead, "Voyager" presents you with dozens of curated journeys around the globe. Check out the new Google Earth here.


How did the Trump administration lose an aircraft carrier? With the real threat of war on three different fronts, it's nice to know Trump and his minions have everything under control. Not.


Given the above, is it a suprise that there's a good chance Donald Trump doesn't know who the leader of North Korea is?


Saul Alinsky, community organizer and author of the landmark 1971 Rules for Radicals, said that "Humor is essential to a successful tactician, for the most potent weapons known to mankind are satire and ridicule." Indeed, can satire save the Republic?


Having an ulcer is like being a contestant on a twisted game show called "What to Eat?"


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