Today is Monday, March 20, the 79th day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 286 days remaining.
Today is the
first day of Spring.
There are:
12 days until April
Fools' Day;
20 days until Palm
21 days until First
Day of Passover;
25 days until Good
27 days until Easter
28 days until US
Federal Income Tax filing day;
29 days until Last
Day of Passover;
33 days until Earth
40 days until Arbor
46 days until Cinco
de Mayo;
55 days until Mother's
69 days until Memorial
606 days until the
2018 mid-term elections; and
1,402 days until the end of Donald
Trump's term as President, assuming he isn't impeached.
On this date in 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe's Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel about slavery, "Uncle Tom's Cabin", was published.
Today is also Extraterrestrial Abduction Day.
Some persons born on March 20 who said interesting things:
- Ernest Bramah (1868-1942), English author;
- René Coty (1882-1962), President of France;
- Charles William Eliot (1834-1926), American academic;
- Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet;
- A.J. Jacobs (1968), American journalist, author, and lecturer;
- Spike Lee (1957), American film director, producer, writer, and actor;
- Ovid (43BC - 17/18AD), Roman poet;
- Pat Riley (1945), American professional basketball executive;
- Mary Roach (1959), American author;
- Fred Rogers (1928-2003), American television personality;
- B.F. Skinner (1904-1990), American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher;
Quote of the day:
"Democracy is the spawn of despotism. And like father, like son.
Democracy is power and rule. It's not the will of the people, remember;
it's the will of the majority."
-B.F. Skinner
Why Trump can't let go of his wiretapping claim.
Fareed Zakaria nails the secret to Trump's success:
Not everyone's thrilled Cheerios gave away 1.5 billion wildflower seeds to save the bees. Some say the packets contain invasive wildflowers that could overtake native species and spread disease.
Humpback whales are behaving oddly and scientists want to know why.
The Solar System could have more than 100 planets. Good news for Pluto, which may regain its planet status if new definitions for celestial bodies are approved.
The tardigrade, or Water Bear, is almost indestructible. Science finally found the reason why.
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(Unless otherwise noted, all citations are from Wikipedia.)
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