Today is Monday, March 6, the 65th day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 300 days remaining.
There are:
6 days until Daylight
Saving Time begins;
11 days until St.
Patrick's Day;
14 days until the
arrival of Spring;
26 days until April
Fools' Day;
34 days until Palm
35 days until First
Day of Passover;
39 days until Good
41 days until Easter
42 days until US Federal
Income Tax filing day;
43 days until Last
Day of Passover;
47 days until Earth
53 days until Arbor
60 days until Cinco
de Mayo;
69 days until Mother's
84 days until Memorial
620 days until the
2018 mid-term elections; and
1,416 days until the end of Donald
Trump's term as President, assuming he isn't impeached.
On this day in 1912, the first Oreo cookie was sold to a grocer in Hoboken, New Jersey. Developed and produced by the National Biscuit Company (known today as Nabisco, a subsidiary of Illinois-based Mondelēz International), the Oreo It was launched as an imitation of the Hydrox cookie manufactured by Sunshine company, introduced in 1908. The cookie was in the news recently when then-candidate Donald Trump reported Nabisco had shut down its Chicago plant to move Oreo production to Mexico. Not true and, also, not surprising.
Among other things, today is also National Oreo Cookie Day (see above) as well as National Frozen Food Day. March is also National Frozen Food Month.
Florida man allegedly committed lame $25,000 fraud by pretending to be Nickelback's drummer.
Some persons born on March 6 who said interesting things:
- Francis Atterbury (1663-1732), English man of letters, politician and bishop.;
- Ivan Boesky (1937), American stock trader fined and jailed for insider trading;
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), English poet;
- Marion Barry (1936-2014), American politician;
- Cyrano de Bergerac (1619-1655), French novelist, playwright, epistolarian and duelist;
- Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian (1755-1794), French poet and romance writer;
- Richard Corliss (1944-2015), American film critic and magazine editor;
- Alan Greenspan (1926), American economist who served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve;
- Jeff Greenwald (1954), author, photographer, and monologist;
- Francesco Guicciardini (1483-1540), Italian historian and statesman;
- D.L. Hughley (1963), American actor, political commentator, radio host and stand-up comedian;
- Ring Lardner (1885-1933), American sports columnist and short story writer;
- Stanislaw J. Lec (1909-1966), Polish aphorist and poet;
- Gabriel Garcia Márquez (1927-2014), Colombian novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist;
- Michelangelo (1475-1564), Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet of the High Renaissance;
- Adam Osborne (1939-2003), Thailand-born British-American author, book and software publisher, and computer designer;
- Rob Reiner (1947), American actor, writer, director, producer, and activist;
- Philip Sheridan (1831-1888), United States Army officer and a Union general in the American Civil War;
- Willie Stargell (1940-2001), American professional baseball player;
Quote of the day:
"Adequacy is sufficient."
-Adam Osborne
A leaked memo reveals that U.S. President Donald Trump is planning to slash the budget of a major climate science agency by nearly a fifth. This, according to experts fearing the move, could cost lives worldwide. "Cutting NOAA's satellite budget will compromise NOAA's mission of keeping Americans safe from extreme weather and providing forecasts that allow businesses and citizens to make smart plans."
Biocentrism posits that death is merely transport into another universe... a way for those who want to hold onto a comforting afterlife scenario, without giving up a devotion to science.
Whatever happens to the Environmental Protection Agency, it has a clear legacy in cities. What cities looked like before the EPA.
Scientists have discovered a great new data storage medium: DNA. A one terabyte hard drive currently weighs around 150 grams. Using the new method, 215,000 times as much data can fit in a single gram of DNA. You could fit all the data in the world in the back of a car.
As school choice is poised to go national, a wave of new research has emerged suggesting that private school vouchers may harm students who receive them. The results are startling- the worst in the history of the field, researchers say.
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(Unless otherwise noted, all citations are from Wikipedia.)
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