Today is Wednesday, February 8, the 39th day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 326 days remaining.
There are:
6 days until Valentine's
12 days until Presidents'
20 days until Mardi
21 days until Ash
32 days until Daylight
Saving Time begins;
37 days until St.
Patrick's Day;
40 days until the
arrival of Spring;
60 days until Palm
62 days until First
Day of Passover;
56 days until April
Fools' Day;
65 days until Good
66 days until Easter
68 days until US Federal
Income Tax filing day;
69 days until Last
Day of Passover;
73 days until Earth
78 days until Arbor
635 days until the
2018 mid-term elections; and
1,442 days until the end of Donald
Trump's term as President, assuming he isn't impeached.
On this date in 1946, The first portion of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, the first serious challenge to the popularity of the Authorized King James Version, was published.
Among other things, today is also Propose Day. Propose Day is the second day in the Valentine week starting from February 7-14. In India, Propose Day is celebrated on February 8 every year. On this day large numbers of youngsters give roses to their girlfriends, boyfriends, relatives and friends.
The KGB Quotations Database contains 52,267 quotations.
Some persons born on February 8 who said interesting things:
- Martin Buber (1878-1965), Austrian-born Israeli Jewish philosopher;
- Neal Cassady (1926-1968), major figure of the Beat Generation;
- James Dean (1931-1955), American actor;
- Rudolf Dreikurs (1897-1972), Austrian psychiatrist and educator;
- Edith Evans (1888-1976), English actress;
- John Grisham (1955), American writer, attorney, politician, and activist;
- Paul Hawken (1946), American environmentalist, entrepreneur, author, and activist;
- John Ruskin (1819-1900), English art critic of the Victorian era, as well as an art patron, draftsman, watercolorist, a prominent social thinker and philanthropist;
- Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950), Austrian-born American economist and political scientist; and
- Jules Verne (1828-1905), French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction.
Quote of the day:
"Privileged people don't march and protest; their world is safe and
clean and governed by laws designed to keep them happy."
The Sun is spinning too slowly because of the water sprinkler effect. Really.
Want teenagers to behave? Highlight their zits.
The most common birthday is September 16. Why? Because humans actually have a mating season. Sort of.
One dose of psilocybin from magic mushrooms relieves depression in 80% of cancer patients.
Showtime has announced it's picked up a new documentary chronicling the making of Pet Sounds, The Beach Boys classic that helped transform pop music when it was released 50 years ago. The film, titled Beach Boys: Making Pet Sounds, will feature interviews with surviving band members Brian Wilson, Mike Love, Al Jardine, Bruce Johnston, and David Marks, as well as archival footage from the album's recording sessions. It's set to air in April.
No, the White House is not freezing anti-Trump petitions. An Obama official familiar with the site says he thinks the numbers displayed aren't ratcheting upward is because the software register that tracks entries is having trouble keeping up with the volume. And don't worry about the warning message your browser is showing claiming the White House site isn't secure. It appears the White House's equipment isn't configured correctly, and the old certificate was revoked or allowed to expire without getting replaced, said Kenneth White of the Open Crypto Audit project, a nonprofit dedicated to improving cybersecurity. There are perhaps hundreds of pieces of equipment and servers that need to be just right to keep the White House site up and running correctly, so it's easy to miss something, he said. I want to dissuade any notion of this being cloak and dagger, or there being any sort of malicious intent," White said. "This is almost certainly an innocent mistake." Full story here.
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(Unless otherwise noted, all citations are from Wikipedia.)
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