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Polio, dog biscuits, malignant narcissism, intelligence, exoplanet bonanza, sleeping into dementia

Published Thursday, February 23, 2017 @ 2:43 AM EST
Feb 23 2017

Today is Thursday, February 23, the 54th day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 311 days remaining.

There are:
5 days until Mardi Gras;
6 days until Ash Wednesday;
17 days until Daylight Saving Time begins;
22 days until St. Patrick's Day;
25 days until the arrival of Spring;
37 days until April Fools' Day;
45 days until Palm Sunday;
46 days until First Day of Passover;
50 days until Good Friday;
52 days until Easter Sunday;
53 days until US Federal Income Tax filing day;
54 days until Last Day of Passover;
58 days until Earth Day;
64 days until Arbor Day;
71 days until Cinco de Mayo;
80 days until Mother's Day;
95 days until Memorial Day;
631 days until the 2018 mid-term elections; and
1,427 days until the end of Donald Trump's term as President, assuming he isn't impeached.


On this date in 1954, a group of children from Arsenal Elementary School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, received the first injections of the new polio vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk.


Among other things, today is also National Dog Biscuit Day.


Florida woman pours glue into ATMs after card repeatedly declined.


Some persons born on February 23 who said interesting things:


Quote of the day:

"There isn't any virtue where there has never been any temptation. Virtue is just temptation, overcome."
-Margaret Deland


"Donald Trump is dangerously mentally ill and temperamentally incapable of being president."


Intelligence has always been used as fig-leaf to justify domination and destruction. No wonder we fear super-smart robots.


For a generation of historians, liberalism and centrism were taken for granted. Now historians no longer know what to think about America.


A "nearby" star with seven Earth-sized planets may be the best place to look for alien life. If we were in the 23rd century, it would take a starship using Star Trek's faster than light propulsion technology about three months to reach the Trappist-1 system at warp six.


What's worse than ransomware that encrypts your Mac's hard drive? Ransomware that won't decrypt your drive even if you pay the ransom.


Prolonged sleep may be an early warning sign of dementia. Using data from 2,457 people, average age 72, who were part of a study in Framingham, Mass., researchers found that those with a new habit of excessive slumber were at a greater risk. And in related news, there's concern the leading theory About Alzheimer's is wrong.

I need a nap. Have a good weekend, see you on Monday...


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(Unless otherwise noted, all citations are from Wikipedia.)

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