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Cuban missile crisis, National Chocolate Covered Insects Day, Florida Man on Jeopardy!, Obama on Star Trek

Published Friday, October 14, 2016 @ 2:56 AM EDT
Oct 14 2016

On this date in 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis begins: A U.S. Air Force U-2 reconnaissance plane and its pilot flies over the island of Cuba and takes photographs of Soviet SS-4 Sandal missiles being installed and erected in Cuba. One must wonder what would have happened if Donald Trump had been President at that time...


Among other things, this is also National Chocolate-Covered Insects Day.


'Florida Man' goes on 'Jeopardy!'.


The KGB Quotations Database has passed 40,000 entries. Check it out.


Some people born on October 14 who said some interesting things: Ralph Lauren, John Dean, Roger Moore, John Wooden, Hannah Arendt, E.E. Cummings, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Katherine Mansfield, Miles Franklin, and William Penn.


Police are using technology to track civil protestors by scanning social network posts, the ACLU says.


Walt Mossberg asks the question we've all been asking: Why is Siri still so stupid?


Hillary Clinton publishes a web page that show what she and Donald Trump were doing at specific points during the past 30 years.


Mike Huckabee makes bizarre 'Jaws' Election analogy. And he apparently didn't stay for the whole movie.


What’s Going on Inside the Brains of Trump Supporters Redux.


President Obama talks about the true importance of Star Trek.


Have a great weekend. See you on Monday.

Categories: The Daily KGB Report

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