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Quotes of the day: Elizabeth I of England

Published Wednesday, September 07, 2016 @ 2:57 AM EDT
Sep 07 2016

Elizabeth I (September 7, 1533 - March 24, 1603) was Queen of England and Ireland from November 17, 1558 until her death. Sometimes called The Virgin Queen, Gloriana or Good Queen Bess, the childless Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. (Click here for full Wikipedia article)


A clear and innocent conscience fears nothing.

A fool too late bewares when all the peril is past.

A good face is the best letter of recommendation.

A meal of bread, cheese and beer constitutes the perfect food.

A strength to harm is perilous in the hand of an ambitious head.

Affection! Affection is false.

All my possessions for a moment of time. (last words)

Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor.

Brass shines as fair to the ignorant as gold to the goldsmiths.

Chastity is the ermine of woman's soul.

Do not tell secrets to those whose faith and silence you have not already tested.

Eyes of youth have sharp sight but commonly not so deep as those of elder age.

Grief never ends, but it changes. It is a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith: it is the price of love.

I would rather be a beggar and single than a queen and married.

It is good to jest, but not to make a trade of jesting.

It is hard to find beauty in the art of self expression.

Life is for living and working at. If you find anything or anybody a bore, the fault is in yourself.

Men fight wars. Women win them.

Prosperity provideth, but adversity proveth friends.

The doubt of future foes exiles my present joy.

The end crowneth the work.

The stone often recoils on the head of the thrower.

Those who appear the most sanctified are the worst.

The past cannot be cured.

When we hang on to resentments, we poison ourselves.

Where minds differ and opinions swerve there is scant a friend in that company.

There is no marvel in a woman learning to speak, but there would be in teaching her to hold her tongue.

Categories: Elizabeth I of England, Quotes of the day

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