A new philosophy generally means in practice the praise of some old vice.
A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in
temper is always a virtue, but moderation in principle is always a vice.
A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything
real on real issues.
-Theodore Roosevelt
A vice in common can be the ground of a friendship but not a virtue in
-W.H. Auden
Early rising may not be a vice... but it is certainly no virtue. The old
saw about the early bird just goes to show that the worm should have
stayed in bed.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Good taste is the worst vice ever invented.
-Edith Sitwell
Happiness lies neither in vice nor in virtue; but in the manner we
appreciate the one and the other, and the choice we make pursuant to our
individual organization.
-Marquis de Sade
Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the
bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue.
Her virtue was that she said what she thought, her vice that what she
thought didn't amount to much.
-Peter Ustinov
Hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue.
-Francois de la
Hypocrisy is the most difficult and nerve-racking vice that any man can
pursue; it needs an unceasing vigilance and a rare detachment of spirit.
It cannot, like adultery or gluttony, be practised at spare moments; it
is a whole-time job.
-W. Somerset Maugham
I find that the best goodness I have has some tincture of vice.
de Montaigne
I prefer an accommodating vice
To an obstinate virtue.
(Jean-Baptiste Poquelin)
I prefer silent vice to ostentatious virtue.
-Albert Einstein
I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice,
and let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is
no virtue.
-Barry M. Goldwater
In most poetic expressions of patriotism, it is impossible to
distinguish what is one of the greatest human virtues from the worst
human vice, collective egotism.
-W.H. Auden
It is a besetting vice of democracies to substitute public opinion for
law. This is the usual form in which masses of men exhibit their tyranny.
Fenimore Cooper
It is among the evils of slavery that it taints the very sources of
moral principle. It establishes false estimates of virtue and vice: for
what can be more false and heartless than this doctrine which makes the
first and holiest rights of humanity to depend upon the color of the
-John Quincy Adams
It is amusing that a virtue is made of the vice of chastity; and it's a
pretty odd sort of chastity at that, which leads men straight into the
sin of Onan, and girls to the waning of their color.
(François Marie Arouet)
Just as those who practice the same profession recognize each other
instinctively, so do those who practice the same vice.
More people are flattered into virtue than bullied out of vice.
Smith Surtees
My only aversion to vice is the price.
-Victor Buono
Nostalgia, the vice of the aged. We watch so many old movies our
memories come in monochrome.
-Angela Carter
Nurse one vice in your bosom. Give it the attention it deserves and let
your virtues spring up modestly around it. Then you'll have the miser
who's no liar; and the drunkard who's the benefactor of the whole city.
Old age adds to the respect due to virtue, but it takes nothing from the
contempt inspired by vice; it whitens only the hair.
-Ira Gershwin
Our age is an age of moderate virtue
And moderate vice.
Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover
-Francis Bacon
Public schools are the nurseries of all vice and immorality. (1742)
Religions which deprive the pleasures of sense, drive men to seek the
pleasures of power. Throughout history power has been the vice of the
-Bertrand Russell
Sadness is a vice.
-Gustave Flaubert
Society is immoral and immortal; it can afford to commit any kind of
folly, and indulge in any sort of vice; it cannot be killed, and the
fragments that survive can always laugh at the dead.
-Henry Adams
Some faults are so closely allied to qualities that it is difficult to
weed out the vice without eradicating the virtue.
-Oliver Goldsmith
The extremes of vice and virtue are alike detestable; absolute virtue is
as sure to kill a man as absolute vice is, let alone the dullnesses of
it and the pomposities of it.
-Samuel Butler (Novelist, 1835-1902)
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The
inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
The only vice which cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a
hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.
-William Hazlitt
The vice that underlies all vices is that we are held cheap by others,
and far worse, that in our innermost soul we think cheaply of ourselves.
The worst vice of the fanatic is his sincerity.
-Oscar Wilde
There are a set of religious, or rather moral writers, who teach that
virtue is the certain road to happiness, and vice to misery, in this
world. A very wholesome and comfortable doctrine, and to which we have
but one objection, namely, that it is not true.
-Henry Fielding
There is something deeply attractive, at least to quite a lot of people,
about squalor, misery, and vice. They are regarded as more authentic,
and certainly more exciting, than cleanliness, happiness, and virtue.
Though ambition in itself is a vice, it often is also the parent of
-Edgar Quinet
Vice came in always at the door of necessity, not at the door of
-Daniel Defoe
Vice is a creature of such hideous mien... that the more you see it the
better you like it.
-Finley Peter Dunne
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
As, to be hated, needs but to
be seen.
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first
endure, then pity, then embrace.
-Alexander Pope
Vice is its own reward.
-Quentin Crisp
Vice is nice
But a little virtue
Won't hurt you.
Virtue consists, not in abstaining from vice, but in not desiring it.
Bernard Shaw
Virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not
subject to the regulation of conscience.
-Adam Smith
Were there no desire there would be no virtue, and because one man
desires what another does not, who shall say whether the child of his
desire be Vice or Virtue?
-Edgar Rice Burroughs
What does labor want? We want more school houses and less jails. More
books and less guns. More learning and less vice. More leisure and less
greed. More justice and less revenge.
-Samuel Gompers
What is crime amongst the multitude, is only vice among the few.
What maintains one vice would bring up two children.
Work keeps us from three great evils: boredom, vice, and poverty.
(François Marie Arouet)
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