A boy's best friend is his mother.
-Robert Bloch
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.
A man who has been the indisputable favorite of his mother keeps for
life the feeling of conqueror, that confidence of success that often
induces real success.
-Sigmund Freud
A man's mother is his misfortune, but his wife is his fault.
A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning
-Dorothy Canfield Fisher
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden,
fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends
who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens
around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts
and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to
return to our hearts.
-Washington Irving
A mother who is not everything for her children: a friend, a teacher, a
confidant, a source of joy and founded pride, inducement and soothing,
reconciliator, judge and forgiver, that mother obviously chose the wrong
-Joseph Goebbels
A mother, who is really a mother, is never free.
-Honoré de Balzac
A suburban mother's role is to deliver children obstetrically once, and
by car forever after.
-Peter De Vries
Almost everyone who has gone to the bad early in life has had a
deceitful mother.
-Henrik Ibsen
An ounce of mother is worth a ton of priest.
Anything that makes your mother cry is fun.
-P.J. O'Rourke
Behind every man who achieves success,
Stands a mother, a wife and
the IRS.
-Ethel Jacobson
Being a king, emperor, or president is mighty small potatoes compared to
being a mother.
-Billy Sunday
Being a mother is a noble status, right? So why does it change when you
put 'unwed' or 'welfare' in front of it?
-Florynce Kennedy
Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.
A. Heinlein
Consult a real expert: call your mother.
Delusions are often functional. A mother's opinions about her children's
beauty, intelligence, goodness, et cetera ad nauseam, keep her from
drowning them at birth.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Democracy means that people can say what they want to. All the people.
It means that they can vote as they wish. All the people. It means that
they can worship God in any way they feel right, and that includes
Christians and Jews and voodoo doctors as well. It means that everybody
should have a job, if he's willing to work, and an education, and the
right to bring up his children without fear of the future. And it means
that the old shall be provided for, without shame to themselves or to
their families. It means do unto others as you would have others do unto
you. It also means the prayers of the pilgrim fathers in the wilderness,
and the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United
States, and the Bill of Rights, and the Emancipation Proclamation, and
the dreams of an immigrant mother for her children. And that's what I
believe in.
-Dalton Trumbo
Doing your taxes is a great way to be reminded that you are
unsuccessful, unmarried and childless without having to talk to your
-Bryan Donaldson
Don't get me wrong. Being a mom is no picnic. Raising the kids is the
mother's responsibility. It's a thankless, solitary job, like sheriff or
-Stephen Colbert
Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number
of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur,
Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and
Albert Einstein.
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Don't worry about what your mother thinks of your language.
Every father says the same thing: 'Where's your mother?'
Every mother is like Moses. She does not enter the promised land. She
prepares a world she will not see.
-Pope Paul VI
Every time I find a girl who can cook like my mother, she looks like my
-Tony Randall
Few misfortunes can befall a boy which bring worse consequences than to
have a really affectionate mother.
-W. Somerset Maugham
I don't always enjoy being a mother. At those times my husband and I hop
up somewhere in the wine country, eat, drink, make mad love and pretend
we were born sterile and raised poodles.
-Dorothy DeBolt
I doubt if a charging elephant, or a rhino, is as determined, or hard to
check, as a socially ambitious mother.
-Will Rogers
I have always admired the Esquimaux. One fine day a delicious meal is
cooked for dear old mother, and then she goes walking away over the ice,
and doesn't come back.
-Agatha Christie
I have always detested any departure from reality, an attitude which I
relate to my mother's poor mental health.
-Jean Piaget
I would have gone home to my mother, but I'm not that crazy about my
If you ever become a mother, can I have one of the puppies?
It is only when parental feelings are ineffective or too ambivalent or
when the mother's emotions are temporarily engaged elsewhere that
children feel lost.
-Anna Freud
Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather
than all major credit cards.
-Robert Orben
Mary was an unwed teenage mother.
Most American children suffer too much mother and too little father.
Mother is a verb, not a noun.
-Shonda Rhimes
Mother told me a couple of years ago, 'Sweetheart, settle down and marry
a rich man.' I said, 'Mom, I am a rich man.'
Mothering has been the richest experience of my life, but I am still
opposed to Mother's Day. It perpetuates the dangerous idea that all
parents are somehow superior to non-parents.
-Anne Lamott
My grandmother gave me five dollars and said, 'Don't tell your mother.'
I told her, 'It's going to cost you more than that.'
-Steven Wright
My mother didn't try to stab my father until I was six.
-Alan Alda
My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son of a bitch.
My mother said, 'You won't amount to anything because you
procrastinate.' I said, 'Just wait.'
-Judy Tenuta
My mother wanted us to understand that the tragedies of your life one
day have to potential to be the comic stories the next.
My mother was an ex-nun, and my father was a Franciscan brother, so I
grew up believing in Jesus the way anyone would believe in Mom's first
-John Fugelsang
My mother's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.
My mother's obsession with the good scissors always scared me a bit. It
implied that somewhere in the house there lurked: the evil scissors.
Never trust a journalist unless she's your mother.
Nicholas Taleb
No man is responsible for his father. That is entirely his mother's
-Margaret Turnbull
No one is more sentimentalized in America than mothers on Mother's Day,
but no one is more often blamed for the culture's bad people and
-Anne Lamott
No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No
woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she
will or will not be a mother.
-Margaret Sanger
One of the great logical puzzles is how a woman is always like her
mother but never like her sister.
-Robert Brault
Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and
-Dan Quayle
Sometimes you need a B-2 bomber and sometimes you need your mother.
The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will
always find forgiveness.
-Honoré de Balzac
The key to living a moral life is this: Do nothing in private that you
would be ashamed to discuss openly with your mother.
-J.P. Morgan
The love of a mother is never exhausted; it never changes, it never
tires. A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may
become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their
husbands: but a mother's love endures through all; in good repute, in
bad repute, in the face of the world's condemnation, a mother still
loves on, and still hopes that her child may turn from his evil ways,
and repent; still she remembers the infant smiles that once filled her
bosom with rapture, the merry laugh, the joyful shout of his childhood,
the opening promise of his youth; and she can never be brought to think
him all unworthy.
-Washington Irving
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love
their mother.
-Theodore Hesburgh
The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she
served us nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.
The mother- poor invaded soul- finds even the bathroom door no bar to
hammering little hands.
-Charlotte Perkins Gilman
There are only two things a child will share willingly- communicable
diseases and his mother's age.
-Dr. Benjamin Spock
There is no slave out of heaven like a loving woman; and, of all loving
women, there is no such slave as a mother.
-Henry Ward Beecher
There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing.
There's a lot more to being a woman than being a mother, but there's a
hell of a lot more to being a mother than most people suspect.
There's no way to repay a mother's love, or lack of it.
Well, knowledge is a fine thing, and mother Eve thought so; but she
smarted so severely for hers, that most of her daughters have been
afraid of it since.
-Abigail Adams
What are we at the park for except to win? I'd trip my mother. I'd help
her up, brush her off, tell her I'm sorry. But mother don't make it to
-Leo Durocher
Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's
love is not.
-James Joyce
When you have a good mother and no father, God kind of sits in. It's not
enough, but it helps.
-Dick Gregory
Wise children always choose a mother who was a shocking flirt in her
maiden days, and so had several offers before she accepted their
fortunate papa.
-J.M. Barrie
Yes, Mother. I can see you are flawed. You have not hidden it. That is
your greatest gift to me.
-Alice Walker
You never get over being a child, long as you have a mother to go to.
Orne Jewett
You're not famous until my mother has heard of you.
-Jay Leno
Your accent should betray neither your mother's birthplace nor your
father's income.
Your mother knows how to push your buttons because she installed them.
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