America is still mostly xenophobic and racist. That's the nature of
America, I think.
-Jerry Garcia
Are you going to cater to the whims and prejudices of people who have no
intelligent knowledge of what they condemn?
-Susan B. Anthony
At any given moment, public opinion is a chaos of superstition,
misinformation, and prejudice.
-Gore Vidal
Censorship of anything, at any time, in any place, on whatever pretense,
has always been and always will be the last resort of the boob and the
-Eugene O'Neill
Criticism is prejudice made plausible.
-H.L. Mencken
Do you know what we call opinion in the absence of evidence? We call it
-Michael Crichton
During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of
Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in
all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility
in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution.
Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices.
J. Peter
Even if all parties approach the court's mandate with the best of
conscious intentions... that mandate requires them to confront and
overcome their own racism on all levels- a challenge I doubt all of them
can meet.
-Thurgood Marshall
Everyone is a prisoner of his own experiences. No one can eliminate
prejudices- just recognize them.
-Edward R. Murrow
Except in a few well-publicized instances (enough to lend credence to
the iconography painted on the walls of the media), the rigorous
practice of rugged individualism usually leads to poverty, ostracism and
disgrace. The rugged individualist is too often mistaken for the misfit,
the maverick, the spoilsport, the sore thumb.
-Lewis H. Lapham
Faith is a euphemism for prejudice and religion is a euphemism for
-Paul Keller
Freedom of the press... is freedom to print such of the proprietor's
prejudices as the advertisers don't object to.
-Robert Smith
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who
refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to
express his opinions courageously and honestly.
-Albert Einstein
He had but one eye, and the popular prejudice runs in favor of two.
He that cannot reason is a fool. He that will not is a bigot. He that
dare not is a slave.
-Andrew Carnegie
How it infuriates a bigot, when he is forced to drag out his dark
-Logan Pearsall Smith
I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a
Radical to remove all that is bad. I seek to preserve property and to
respect order, and I equally decry the appeal to the passions of the
many or the prejudices of the few.
-Benjamin Disraeli
I believe that it should be perfectly lawful to print even things that
outrage the pruderies and prejudices of the general, so long as any
honest minority, however small, wants to read them. The remedy of the
majority is not prohibition, but avoidance.
-H.L. Mencken
I don't have prejudice against myself. My father was a white and my
mother was black. Them call me half-caste or whatever. Me don't dip on
nobody's side. Me don't dip on the black man's side nor the white man's
side. Me dip on God's side, the one who create me and cause me to come
from black and white.
-Bob Marley
I don't like principles. I prefer prejudices.
-Oscar Wilde
I don't want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on
the Four Horsemen of Calumny- Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.
Chase Smith
I happen to think that the singular evil of our time is prejudice. It is
from this evil that all other evils grow and multiply. In almost
everything I've written there is a thread of this: a man's seemingly
palpable need to dislike someone other than himself.
-Rod Serling
I have a friend who says the militia have one black helicopter that they
fly their one black member around in, simultaneously scaring themselves
and proving they aren't racist.
-K. Byington
I have no color prejudices nor caste prejudices nor creed prejudices.
All I care to know is that a man is a human being, and that is enough
for me; he can't be any worse.
-Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
I think we can agree racial prejudice is stupid. Because if you spend
time with someone from another race and really get to know them, you can
find other reasons to hate them.
-Bernadette Luckett
I wish I could say that racism and prejudice were only distant memories.
We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy.
We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the mistrust... We must
dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but
to do better.
-Thurgood Marshall
If we were to wake up some morning and that everyone was the same race,
creed, and color, we would find some other causes for prejudice by noon.
If you have too many white people at a rally, then your cause is racist.
And if you have too many people of color at a rally, you must be asking
for something.
-Jon Stewart
If you think about it, there's not a religious group, there's not a
nationalistic group, there's not a tribe, there is no grouping of people
to my knowledge, of any consequence, who have not, at one or another
time, been the object of hatred, racism, or who has not had people
against them just because they were them.
-Alex Haley
Ignorance is stubborn and prejudice dies hard.
-Adlai E. Stevenson
In the end, science offers us the only way out of politics. And if we
allow science to become politicized, then we are lost. We will enter the
Internet version of the dark ages, an era of shifting fears and wild
prejudices, transmitted to people who don't know any better.
It appears to be in the nature of religion itself to be prejudiced
against those who are different.
-Bishop John Shelby
Law is a reflection and a source of prejudice. It both enforces and
suggests forms of bias.
-Diane B. Schulder
Liberalism, above all, means emancipation- emancipation from one's
fears, his inadequacies, from prejudice, from discrimination... from
-Hubert H. Humphrey
No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All
collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them.
No man can be friendly to another whose personal habits differ
materially from his own. Even the trivialities of table manners thus
become important. The fact probably explains much of race prejudice, and
even more of national prejudice.
-H.L. Mencken
No wise man can have a contempt for the prejudices of others; and he
should even stand in a certain awe of his own, as if they were aged
parents and monitors. They may in the end prove wiser than he.
Nobody outside of a baby carriage or a judge's chamber believes in an
unprejudiced point of view.
-Lillian Hellman
Only as you do know yourself can your brain serve you as a sharp and
efficient tool. Know your own failings, passions, and prejudices so you
can separate them from what you see.
-Bernard Baruch
Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more
likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take
advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than
nature made them.
-Bertrand Russell
Patriotism at the expense of another nation is as wicked as racism at
the expense of another race. Let us resolve to be patriots always,
nationalists never.
-William Sloane Coffin, Jr.
Point of view must mean more than mere prejudice; it should express
conclusions reached by that painful process known as thinking. And when
new facts or factors are presented, free men shoul be as vigilant to
change their viewpoints as to confirm them.
-A. Mortimer Astbury
Prejudice is a raft onto which the shipwrecked mind clambers and paddles
to safety.
-Ben Hecht
Prejudice is the child of ignorance...
-William Hazlitt
Prejudice is the reason of fools.
-Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Prejudice is the sole author of infamies: how many acts are so qualified
by an opinion forged out of nought but prejudice!
-Marquis de Sade
Prejudice supports thrones, ignorance altars.
-Marie Ebner von
Prejudices are rarely overcome by argument; not being founded in reason
they cannot be destroyed by logic.
-Tryon Edwards
Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the
heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education;
they grow there, firm as weeds among rocks.
-Charlotte Bronte
Racism is taught in our society, it is not automatic. It is learned
behavior toward persons with dissimilar physical characteristics.
Racism isn't born, folks. It's taught. I have a two-year-old son. Know
what he hates? Naps. End of list.
-Denis Leary
So few men are really worth knowing, that it seems a shameful waste to
let an anthropoid prejudice stand in the way of free association with
one who is.
-H.L. Mencken
The best antidote to prejudice is reality.
-Barney Frank
The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry
of the believer.
-Albert Einstein
The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false
appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by
weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by
-Arthur Schopenhauer
The food choice of others is becoming more and more heatedly exclusive
until it may well turn into one of those forms of bigotry against which
gallant little committees are constantly planning campaigns in the cause
of justice and decency.
-Cornelia Otis Skinner
The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye: the more light you
pour upon it, the more it will contract.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes,
The prejudice against color, of which we hear so much, is no stronger
than that against sex. It is produced by the same cause, and manifested
very much in the same way. The negro's skin and the woman's sex are both
prima facie evidence that they were intended to be in subjection to the
white Saxon man.
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The tendency of the casual mind is to pick out or stumble upon a sample
which supports or defies its prejudices, and then to make it the
representative of a whole class.
-Walter Lippmann
The true barbarian is he who thinks every thing barbarous but his own
tastes and prejudices.
-William Hazlitt
The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.
Twain (Samuel Clemens)
Thinking is what a great many people think they are doing when they are
merely rearranging their prejudices.
-William James
To deny political equality is to rob the ostracised of all self-
respect; of credit in the market place; of recompense in the world of
work; of a voice among those who make and administer the law; a choice
in the jury before whom they are tried, and in the judge who decides
their punishment.
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton
To me the earth's most explosive and pernicious evil is racism, the
inability of God's creatures to live as One, especially in the Western
-Malcolm X
Under our constitutional system, courts stand, against any winds that
blow, as havens of refuge for those who might otherwise suffer because
they are helpless, weak, outnumbered, or because they are nonconforming
victims of prejudice and public excitement.
-Hugo Black
We are not sent into the world to air our moral prejudices.
We have abundant reason to rejoice, that, in this land, the light of
truth and reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and
superstition, and that every person may here worship God according to
the dictates of his own heart.
-George Washington
We have convinced over one billion members of the Islamic faith that we
are prejudiced against their religion, that we would deny them freedom
of religion, that we want suppress their culture and invade their
-Theodore (Ted) Sorensen
Whatever you do, don't read the Bible for a moral code: it advocates
prejudice, cruelty, superstition, and murder. Read it because: we need
more atheists- and nothin' will get you there faster than readin' the
damn Bible.
-Penn Jillette
When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with
creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures
bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.
Whom the gods would make bigots, they first deprive of humor.
James M. Gillis
With a few exceptions, I'm skeptical of churches. I worry that they
can't deal with issues like AIDS. I worry that the most racist places in
the world can be places of worship. We have to build our churches in our
-Stevie Wonder
You would better educate ten women into the practice of liberal
principles than to organize a thousand on a platform of intolerance and
-Susan B. Anthony
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