A lot of what appears to be progress is just so much technological
-Bill Gray
A thousand things advance; nine hundred and ninety-nine retreat: that is
-Henri Frédéric Amiel
Advocates of progress often have too low an opinion of what already
-Bertolt Brecht
All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions. All
change is the result of a change in the contemporary state of mind.
E. Stevenson II
All progress is based on a universal innate desire on the part of every
organism to live beyond its income.
-Samuel Butler
Anonymous pamphlets, leaflets, brochures and even books have played an
important role in the progress of mankind. Persecuted groups and sects
from time to time throughout history have been able to criticize the
oppressive practices and laws either anonymously or not at all... It is
plain that anonymity has sometimes been assumed for the most
constructive purposes.
-Hugo Black
At the present rate of progress, it is almost impossible to imagine any
technical feat that cannot be achieved- if it can be achieved at all-
within the next few hundred years.
-Arthur C. Clarke
Believe in life! Always human beings will progress to greater, broader,
and fuller life.
-W.E.B. DuBois
Bureaucracy is the epoxy that greases the wheels of progress.
H. Boren
But America is a great, unwieldy Body. Its Progress must be slow. It is
like a large Fleet sailing under Convoy. The fleetest Sailors must wait
for the dullest and slowest.
-John Adams
But by far the greatest obstacle to the progress of science and to the
undertaking of new tasks and provinces therein is found in this- that
men despair and think things impossible.
-Francis Bacon
Celebrate any progress. Don't wait to get perfect.
-Ann McGee
Change based on principle is progress. Constant change without principle
becomes chaos.
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
Change is not progress.
-H.L. Mencken
Conservatives- or better, pro-corporate apologists- hijacked the
vocabulary of Jeffersonian liberalism and turned words like 'progress,'
'opportunity,' and 'individualism' into tools for making the plunder of
America sound like divine right.
-Bill Moyers
Death is really a great blessing for humanity, without it there could be
no real progress. People who lived for ever would not only hamper and
discourage the young, but they would themselves lack sufficient stimulus
to be creative.
-Alfred Adler
Despite all our toil and progress, the art of medicine still falls
somewhere between trout casting and spook writing.
-Ben Hecht
Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.
-Oscar Wilde
Even those who fancy themselves the most progressive will fight against
other kinds of progress, for each of us is convinced that our way is the
best way.
-Louis L'Amour
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles
closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules- and still there are some
misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.
Vonnegut, Jr.
Every step in human progress, from the first feeble stirrings in the
abyss of time, has been opposed by the great majority of men.
He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human
institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.
-Harold Wilson
Human progress is furthered, not by conformity, but by aberration.
I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important
than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces
the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It
is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research.
I think it is time we learned the lesson of our century: that the
progress of the human spirit must keep pace with technological and
scientific progress, or that spirit will die. It is incumbent on our
educators to remember this; and music is at the top of the spiritual
must list.
-Leonard Bernstein
I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy.
I wonder why progress looks so much like destruction.
If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con' what is the opposite of 'progress?'
If necessity is the mother of invention, discontent is the father of
-David Rockefeller
If there is no struggle there is no progress.
-Frederick Douglass
In general, scientific progress calls for no more than the absorption
and elaboration of new ideas- and this is a call most scientists are
happy to heed.
-Werner Heisenberg
Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and fork?
-Stanislaw J.
It appears that my worst fears have been realized: we have made progress
in everything yet nothing has changed.
-Derrick Bell
Life is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment.
Man's 'progress' is but a gradual discovery that his questions have no
-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Many people are busy trying to find better ways of doing things that
should not have to be done at all. There is no progress in merely
finding a better way to do a useless thing.
-Henry Ford
Many people consider the things government does for them to be social
progress but they regard the things government does for others as
-Earl Warren
Men make history, and not the other way around. In periods where there
is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous,
skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.
S. Truman
Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of
progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother.
B. Anthony
Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more
uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is
right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been
the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men
who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized
man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others.
His culture is based on 'I am not too sure.'
-H.L. Mencken
My own experience and development deepen everyday my conviction that our
moral progress may be measured by the degree in which we sympathize with
individual suffering and individual joy.
-George Eliot
One thing we know for sure is that change is certain. Progress is not.
Progress depends on the choices we make today for tomorrow and on
whether we meet our challenges and protect our values.
Rodham Clinton
Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of
courage and true progress.
-Nicholas Murray Butler
Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization
generally, could be compared to an axe in the hand of a pathological
-Albert Einstein
People who make no mistakes lack boldness and the spirit of adventure.
They are the brakes on the wheels of progress.
-Norman Vincent
pity this busy monster, manunkind,
not. Progress is a comfortable
your victim (death and life safely beyond)
plays with the
bigness of his littleness.
-E.E. Cummings
Problems are the price of progress. Don't bring me anything but trouble.
Good news weakens me.
-Charles F. Kettering
Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.
-Thor Heyerdahl
Progress is not created by contented people.
-Frank Tyger
Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to
find easier ways to do something.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what
will be.
-Kahlil Gibran
Progress might have been all right once, but it's gone on too long.
Progress would not have been the rarity it is if the early food had not
been the late poison.
-Walter Bagehot
Progress? There's no such thing as progress. There's only change. You
dig a hole in the ground, you build up a city, and you fight a war, and
you call it progress?
-Charles Manson
Progressive men employ progressive methods.
-Thomas J. Watson
Religion often partakes of the myth of progress that shields us from the
terrors of an uncertain future.
-Frank Herbert
Restlessness is discontent- and discontent is the first necessity of
progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man- and I will show you a
-Thomas A. Edison
Risk is the price of progress. Step up to risk.
-Gene Kranz
Social movements are at once the symptoms and the instruments of
progress. Ignore them and statesmanship is irrelevant; fail to use them
and it is weak.
-Walter Lippmann
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means
for going backwards.
-Aldous Huxley
The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve
change amid order.
-Alfred North Whitehead
The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race.
The concept of progress acts as a protective mechanism to shield us from
the terrors of the future.
-Frank Herbert
The cruelties and the obstacles of this swiftly changing planet will not
yield to obsolete dogmas and outworn slogans. It cannot be moved by
those who cling to a present which is already dying, who prefer the
illusion of security to the excitement and danger which comes with even
the most peaceful progress.
-Robert F. Kennedy
The direction of the mind is more important than its progress.
The moral progress of mankind is due to the aged. The old grow wiser and
-Leo Tolstoy
The most closely organized groups and movements in the world are those
which have been the least friendly to the people's progress and liberty.
The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to
gain ground.
-Thomas Jefferson
The reason men oppose progress is not that they hate progress, but that
they love inertia.
-Elbert Hubbard
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.
-George Bernard Shaw
The remains of the old must be decently laid away; the path of the new
prepared. That is the difference between Revolution and Progress.
The road to Hell is paved with works in progress.
-Philip Roth
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of
those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have
too little.
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt
There is no greater impediment to progress in the sciences than the
desire to see it take place too quickly.
-G.C. Lichtenberg
They say I'm old-fashioned, and live in the past, but sometimes I think
progress progresses too fast!
-Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
Those who speak most of progress measure it by quantity and not by
-George Santayana
Today, the notion of progress in a single line without goal or limit
seems perhaps the most parochial notion of a very parochial century.
Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out
twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages.
-H.L. Mencken
Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress
requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things.
We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means
doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case,
the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.
-C.S. Lewis
What progress we are making. In the Middle Ages they would have burned
me. Now they are content with burning my books.
-Sigmund Freud
What we call 'Progress' is the exchange of one nuisance for another
-Havelock Ellis
Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been
attained, progress stops.
-Thomas J. Watson
Without deviation, progress is not possible.
-Frank Zappa
(Today is the birthday of Hilaire Belloc.)
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