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Settling in

Published Thursday, June 19, 2014 @ 3:31 AM EDT
Jun 19 2014

The move from XO/Concentric to DreamHost is about complete. The KGB Quote-A-Matic is back up and running, thanks to Random Text, a script from the fine folks at www.phpjunkyard.com. It's faster and easier to configure than the randomizer server side include from XO. phpjunkyard has lots of interesting scripts available. If you're into that type of thing, drop by and take a look.

The KGB Quotations Database search function is also online, thanks to DreamHost support and a standard cgi implementation sorely lacking at our previous host.

I'm sorry I had to leave XO/Concentric, but there was no choice. I've been with them since 1998, and they've been ultra-reliable and trouble free- until last year. Since last summer, there have been several extended service outages that affected thousands of small businesses. One would think they would have learned their lesson after Forbes raked them over the coals, but apparently not.

I spent over an hour and a half on hold on XO's support line this morning, longer than it took to open an account with DreamHost, redirect the DNS nameservers, and upload the site's files. The DreamHost server seems much more responsive, at least from my location. And ftp uploads take about a quarter of the time they previously did.

Anyway, expect a few bumps as we get settled in. Please drop us a line if you find any dead links or other problems.


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