Cute. And it's real. Wonder if The
Covert Comic is involved.?
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals for the same reason you
don't see psychics winning the lottery.
Daughter-in-law Angela introduces granddaughter Joelle to the wonders of
Kennywood Park.
You are not your big toe.
Much the same way you may notice pressure on your big toe and your toe may feel uncomfortable, you may notice distressing or uncomfortable thoughts, but that does not mean that you are distressed.
It may seem like strange advice, but do not believe everything you
think. Thoughts impact how you feel, and, in turn, feelings impact your
behavior. But, ultimately thoughts cannot make you do anything and do
not define who you are. The better you can become at being aware of your
thoughts and simply labeling them ("I'm having the thought…), the better
you can recognize them for what they are- just thoughts.
At this point if Obama rescues a puppy from a burning building the puppy
will be accused of having rabies.
-Andy Borowitz
For the life of me I cannot fathom why we expect so much from teachers
and provide them so little in return. In 1940, the average pay of a male
teacher was actually 3.6 percent more than what other college-educated
men earned. Today it is 60 percent lower. Women teachers now earn 16
percent less than other college-educated women. This bewilders me. …
There was no Plato without Socrates, and no John Coltrane without Miles
-Bill Moyer
73 percent of those enrolled in the country’s major public benefits
programs are, in fact, from working families- just in jobs whose
paychecks don’t cover life’s basic necessities. McDonald’s workers alone
receive $1.2 billion in federal assistance per year.
I always thought the brass section's errors in James Horner's main theme to Roger Corman's Battle Beyond the Stars were cost-related; studio musicians sight-reading, only enough time for two or three takes. Then I started listening to other versions, including the Prague Philharmonic's. (They're noted for their competent- if uninspired- covers of motion picture scores.) A train wreck. Actually, two train wrecks: a minor one at the beginning, and in the end title reprise, the brass section more or less gives up, unable to complete the unrelenting 8-bar, 192-note bridge to the main fanfare.
It turns out this was Horner's first motion picture score, and he apparently forgot that horn players actually need to breathe once in a while. said the piece "was simply too complex for the musicians to perform."
Horner borrowed a lot from this score in what many consider to best effort, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. He'd learned his lesson, though. He reassigned most of the lung-busting stuff to the string section, and let the French horns come up for air every two bars or so.
The other day I stumbled across a site selling the piano sheet music for the Battle Beyond the Stars main theme. The description notes, "there are a couple of measures which feature out of reach notes which have been left in the transcription as they better support the piece, and can be omitted or included at the performer’s discretion."
Below is a link to the theme- with the unreachable notes- produced on a midi synthesizer. It's probably the only way you'll ever be able to hear it, as written, with no performance errors. And note how much Horner reuses many of these phrases in his later work.
Battle Beyond the Stars main theme, performed on a midi piano synthesizer.
June is National Accordion Awareness Month. National Carpenter Ant
Awareness Week starts June 22. Some problems tend to solve themselves.
Smith, "QT"
If Republicans don't like how Democrats end their wars, they should stop leaving us so many losing wars.
Climate change and homsexuality are myths we can wish away but we should trust Wall Street to regulate itself.
You'll know the GOP gets they've lost on marriage equality when they start demanding mandatory ultrasounds before same-sex marriages.
I guess it's pretty easy to judge deserters when the closest you've come
to combat is shooting wolves from a helicopter.
And... the desktop is clean.
Categories: Cleaning off the desktop, Miscellany
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