Pope Francis will bring a rabbi and a Muslim leader with him when he
travels to the Holy Land this week. Or as bartenders put it, 'We've been
expecting you.'
–Jimmy Fallon
Godzilla, in happier times.
Sad but true: Radioactive kitty litter may have ruined our best hope to store nuclear waste
Quote of the week:
Don't force stupid people to be quiet. I
want to know who the morons are.
-Mark Cuban
BBC says Senators have called for a new name for the Washington
Redskins. They suggest the Washington Powerful Old Honkies.
The outstanding problem of cryogenics isn't whether future advances in
technology will enable you to be unfrozen and brought back to life
10,000 years from now. The outstanding problem of cryogenics is whether
250 consecutive generations of security guards earning $6.50 an hour
will remember to check the thermostat every night.
-John Alejandro
King (The Covert
Skies over Chicago, Wednesday evening, May 21:
a) lightning
they crossed the streams
c) Dr. Jenning is summoning the Dark
(Photo by Andrew Chase)
There's a certain satisfying irony in the fact that the speed with which same-sex marriage is being adopted is due not to states passing bills in favor of it, but in the courts ruling as unconstitutional the bills prohibiting it. An excellent example of the law of unintended consequences. Interesting trivia: John Jones III, the federal court judge who ruled Pennsylvania's defense of marriage act unconstitutional, was nominated to the bench by then-Senator Rick Santorum.
Hate to say this, but because of Pat Sajak's awful remarks, I will no
longer look to game show hosts for moral guidance.
"Oh my God, we're all gonna die! You know this is serious if someone on
Fox News just said 'climate change is real.' I believe that is a sign of
the Apocalypse."
-Jon Stewart, The Daily Show
It seems that trying to fix stupid just makes it worse.
Daugher-in-law Angela, granddaugter Joelle and son Doug celebrating the
at the little one's first birthday party. (It was a WonderPets theme,
hence the cape and tiara.)
I was rinsing out a plastic Dairy Queen cup which had contained one of their "milk" shakes, and one minute of full-force hot water failed to melt or otherwise remove all of the residue. I don't know whether I should throw it in the recycling bin or call a hazmat team.
And... the desktop is clean.
Categories: Cartoons, Cleaning off the desktop, KGB Family, KGB Opinion, Politics
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