Upon reflection, is was kind of obvious Lex Luthor was in the bunny suit.
This year's Easter Sunday happens to fall on the same day as the
marijuana holiday, 4/20. Which means no matter what your religion, this
Sunday you're probably going to see a giant bunny.
–Conan O'Brien
You can run from your problems. Unless your problem is a cheetah.
I judge how safe an area is by the number of lit letters on the Waffle
House sign.
Note to self: Telling your Facebook friends that their auras are
actually invisible because they don't exist makes them not like you.
An example of Facebook's state-of-the-art subject matching software.
50 years ago, America's biggest employer was General Motors, where
workers made the modern equivalent of $50 dollars an hour. Today,
America's biggest employer is Walmart, where the average wage is $8
dollars an hour...And Walmart released their annual report this month,
and in it was the fact that most of what Walmart sells is food. And most
of their customers need food stamps to pay for it. Meanwhile, Walmart's
owners are so absurdly rich that one of them, Alice Walton, spent over a
billion dollars building an art museum in Bentonville, Arkansas, 500
miles away from the nearest person who ever would want to look at art.
And she said about it, 'For years I've been thinking about what we can
do as a family that can really make a difference.' How about giving your
employees a raise, you deluded nitwit?
–Bill Maher
I can never tell if CNN is engaging in self parody or if they're just
Last month, over 200,000 jobs were created in the United States. And
that doesn't count this one.
–David Letterman
People should announce they'll be a grandma the old-fashioned way-- by
leaking that their teen daughter is pregnant the night before the RNC.
Plot idea: 97% of the world's scientists contrive an environmental
crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires & oil companies.
70% of our planet is covered in water, the other 30% is covered in
And... the desktop is clean.
Categories: Cleaning off the desktop, Miscellany
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