Franz Kafka (July 3, 1883 – 3 June 3, 1924):
A belief is like a guillotine, just as heavy, just as light.
A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die.
All knowledge, the totality of all questions and all answers is contained in the dog.
Beyond a certain point there is no return. This point has to be reached.
Capitalism is a condition both of the world and of the soul.
Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.
Don't despair, not even over the fact that you don't despair.
Every man lives behind bars, which he carries within him.
Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.
Evil is whatever distracts.
I do not read advertisements. I would spend all of my time wanting things.
In any fight between you and the world, back the world.
It's often safer to be in chains than to be free.
Religions get lost as people do.
Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable.
The meaning of life is that it stops.
There is hope, but not for us.
We live in an age which is so possessed by demons, that soon we shall only be able to do goodness and justice in the deepest secrecy, as if it were a crime.
You are free and that is why you are lost.
Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
Categories: Franz Kafka, Quotes of the day
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