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Political jokes of the week

Published Saturday, December 25, 2010 @ 12:00 AM EST
Dec 25 2010

The week's best late-night political jokes, from Daniel Kurtzman's Political Humor Blog on About.Com.

President Obama signed into law the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' What does it say about us that we think gay men can handle armed combat, but can't handle marriage?
-Jay Leno

Congress has voted to extend the Bush tax cuts. Is it me, or is George W. Bush getting more done now than when he was in office?
-Jay Leno

Sarah Palin, part-time Governor of Alaska, is angry because Michele Obama is encouraging kids to eat healthy. Sarah Palin believes the government shouldn't tell us what to do. Sarah Palin believes she should tell us what to do.
-David Letterman

A new poll shows President Obama ahead of Sarah Palin 54 percent to 39 percent in a potential match up. You know what that means? John McCain could get Barack Obama elected twice.
-Jay Leno

The Senate voted to allow gay soldiers to serve in the military. This is good news for gay soldiers, but bad news for straight soldiers who were going to say they were gay to get out of the Army.
-Conan O'Brien

Congress repealed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. The Pentagon can now start production on 'Iraq the Musical.'
-David Letterman

This morning President Obama signed the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell' into law. He would have signed it last night, but supporters of the bill didn't want to miss last night's episode of Glee.
-Conan O'Brien

John McCain was opposed to repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' though he admitted that he probably served with gay soldiers during the Civil War.
-David Letterman

Vice President Joe Biden said there has been no 'substantive damage' to the United States by Julian Assange in the whole WikiLeaks scandal. He says it has been embarrassing, but you can't prosecute people for embarrassing the United States. If that were true, Joe Biden would be serving life in prison.
-Jay Leno

Last night on Sarah Palin's Alaska, the Palins went white water rafting with a guide named Mudflap. It was such an odd name, Sarah Palin asked, "Are you sure you're not one of my kids?"
-Jimmy Fallon

Sarah Palin's Alaska has been such a big hit for TLC, they're trying to get her to do another season. You know who doesn't want Palin to have a second season? Elk.
-Jimmy Fallon

Sarah Palin is getting into the Christmas spirit. Today, she shot a partridge in a pear tree.
-David Letterman

This weekend there were big Christmas sales, Congress repealed 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' and the President signed the tax-cut extension bill. So if you're a gay soldier who's also a millionaire, looking for tax-refund money to go Christmas shopping, this was the time of your life.
-Jay Leno

Categories: Political Jokes of the Week

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