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Bye Bye Blogger

Published Saturday, May 01, 2010 @ 12:00 AM EDT
May 01 2010

Google's Blogger service discontinued its ftp publishing model today. Blogger used to let you publish your blog to your own website; now, everything must be stored in the Google cloud in their blogspot.com domain.

If history has taught us anything, it's that if you depend on a remote system operated by a third party, at some point you're going to get burned.

So, I switched to Thingamablog, an application that maintains my blog here on my home computer instead of in a server farm buried in the backwoods somewhere.

Trying to port my Blogger template over to the new software would be a major effort, so instead I'm using the switchover as an excuse to redesign things.

Please bear with me; there's lot of other stuff going on, major projects at work, the renovation of the South Park house for our June move, and the ongoing hilarity which ensues here at Casa del Furry on a daily basis. It's going to take a while to get everything debugged and all the blog posts reposted and all the other links up and running. I'm budgeting an hour a day. By the end of May, things should be back to what's laughingly referred to as "normal."

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