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Truly Comcastic

Published Monday, May 24, 2010 @ 4:16 AM EDT
May 24 2010

I never thought I'd ever hear these words coming out of my mouth, but I'm looking forward to using Comcast again when we get back to South Park.

I'm especially looking forward to getting Movies on Demand again. They have so many choices, that obviously there's no one copychecking the mini-reviews that describe the available programming.

To wit:

Night Living Dead
82 min
Available Until: 07/06/2010
Sid Haig, Brianna Brown
When zombies attack, the survivors hold (sic) up in a house full of sharp, bladed farm tools. Good plan. An homage and re-imagining of the original movie, but updated with gratuitous nudity. Very good plan.


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Dear Mr. President...

Published Monday, May 24, 2010 @ 12:46 AM EDT
May 24 2010

Dear Mr. President,

When your opponents began referring to the BP drilling disaster as "Obama's Katrina," I dismissed their criticisms as typical partisan opportunism. The record clearly shows your administration responded in a timely and pro-active manner when informed of the disaster.

That said, it has been a month since the accident, and unless immediate action is taken, the ecology and economy of the Gulf Coast will be irreparably damaged.

Please consider sealing the well using the method all agree will work: collapse the fissure with a controlled detonation of high explosives.

BP has time and time again demonstrated its only priority is making a profit. With the Alaskan pipeline leak and Texas City refinery explosion, this is the third major disaster directly attributable to the firm's cost-cutting policies in just five years.

I was disappointed when you announced your offshore drilling policy. Please don't compound the error by placing BP's financial interests ahead of the welfare of the people and the ecology of the Gulf Coast.

(Posted to www.whitehouse.gov/contact). Add your voice now!)


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