A long dispute means that both parties are wrong.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
A witty saying proves nothing.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Animals have these advantages over man: They have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Antiquity is full of eulogies of another more remote antiquity.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Appreciation is a wonderful thing: it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Common sense is not so common.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Divorce is probably of nearly the same age as marriage. I believe, however, that marriage is some weeks the more ancient.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Do well and you will have no need for ancestors.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Doubt is not a pleasant state of mind, but certainty is absurd.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Every sensible man, every honorable man, must hold the Christian sect in horror.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Faith consists in believing what reason cannot.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
History is after all only a pack of tricks we play on the dead.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
History supplies little more than a list of people who have helped themselves with the property of others.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
I advise you to go on living solely to enrage those who are paying your annuities. It is the only pleasure I have left.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
I sympathize afresh with the mighty Voltaire, who, when badgered on his deathbed and urged to renounce the devil, murmured that this was no time to be making enemies.
--Christopher Hitchens
If God did not exist it would be necessary to invent Him. But all nature cries aloud that He does exist; that there is a supreme intelligence, an immense power, an admirable order, and everything teaches us our own dependence upon it.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
If this is the best of all possible worlds, what are the others like?
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
It is amusing that a virtue is made of the vice of chastity; and it's a pretty odd sort of chastity at that, which leads men straight into the sin of Onan, and girls to the waning of their color.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
It is lamentable that to be a good patriot, one must become an enemy of the rest of mankind.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that virginity could be a virtue.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
It is with books as with men: a very small number play a great part, the rest are lost in the multitude.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Love truth, but pardon error.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Men who seek happiness are like drunkards who can never find their house but are sure that they have one.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Men will always be mad, and those who think they can cure them are the maddest of all.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
One always speaks badly when we have nothing to say.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Originality is nothing but judicious imitation.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Paradise on earth is where I am.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Physicians pour drugs of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, into humans of which they know nothing.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Prejudice is the reason of fools.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Quite a heavy weight, a name too quickly famous.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Regimen is superior to medicine.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
The English people are like the English beer. Froth on top, dregs at the bottom, the middle excellent.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
The great consolation in life is to say precisely what one thinks.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
The ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
There are truths which are not for all men, nor for all times.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
There has never been a perfect government, because men have passions; and if they did not have passions, there would be no need for government.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Think for yourselves, and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Those who can make you believe in absurdities can also make you commit atrocities.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Virtue debases in justifying itself.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Well aware of both the continuity and contingency of human affairs, Adams and Madison searched the works of Tacitus and Voltaire and Locke like carpenters rummaging through their assortment of tools, knowing that all the pediments were jury-rigged, all the provisional, all the alliances temporary.
--Lewis H. Lapham
What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
When it is a question of money all men are of the same religion.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Work keeps us from three great evils: boredom, vice, and poverty.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
You must have the devil in you to succeed in any of the arts.
--Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
Found 57 occurence(s) in 52,069 quotation(s).