Bureaucracy is not an obstacle to democracy but an inevitable complement to it.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Capitalism inevitably and by virtue of the very logic of its civilization creates, educates and subsidizes a vested interest in social unrest.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Democracy is a political method, that is to say, a certain type of institutional arrangement for arriving at political- legislative and administrative- decisions and hence incapable of being an end in itself.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Economic progress, in capitalist society, means turmoil.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Entrepreneurial profit is the expression of the value of what the entrepreneur contributes to production.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Geniuses and prophets do not usually excel in professional learning, and their originality, if any, is often due precisely to the fact that they do not.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
History is a record of 'effects' the vast majority of which nobody intended to produce.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Innovation is the market introduction of a technical or organisational novelty, not just its invention.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Politicians are like bad horsemen who are so preoccupied with staying in the saddle that they can't bother about where they're going.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Situations emerge in the process of creative destruction in which many firms may have to perish that nevertheless would be able to live on vigorously and usefully if they could weather a particular storm.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Success depends on intuition, on seeing what afterwards proves true but cannot be established at the moment.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Surely, nothing can be more plain or even more trite common sense than the proposition that innovation... is at the center of practically all the phenomena, difficulties, and problems of economic life in capitalist society.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
The ballot is stronger than bullets.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
The capitalist achievement does not typically consist in providing more silk stocking for queens but in bringing them within the reach of factory girls in return for a steadily decreasing amount of effort.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
The modern mind dislikes gold because it blurts out unpleasant truths.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
The stock exchange is a poor substitute for the Holy Grail.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
The typical citizen drops down to a lower level of mental performance as soon as he enters the political field. He argues and analyzes in a way which he would readily recognize as infantile within the sphere of his real interests. He becomes primitive again.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
We always plan too much and always think too little.
--Joseph A. Schumpeter
Found 19 occurence(s) in 52,075 quotation(s).