A doctor should never try to cure the incurable.
--Stefan Zweig
A human being will accept the strictest disciplinary measures with a better grace if he knows that they will fall with equal severity on his neighbor. Justice in some mysterious way makes up for violence.
--Stefan Zweig
Anger makes one not only malign but sharp-sighted.
--Stefan Zweig
Every wave, regardless of how high and forceful it crests, must eventually collapse within itself.
--Stefan Zweig
Everything in life that deviates from the straight and, so to speak, normal line, makes people first curious and then indignant.
--Stefan Zweig
Freedom is not possible without authority- otherwise it would turn into chaos and authority is not possible without freedom- otherwise it would turn into tyranny.
--Stefan Zweig
He who studies without passion will never become anything more than a pedant. We must approach knowledge from the inside; inspired by passion.
--Stefan Zweig
If you are going to sell yourself, you should at least get a good price.
--Stefan Zweig
In history as in human life, regret does not bring back a lost moment and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour.
--Stefan Zweig
In history, the moments during which reason and reconciliation prevail are short and fleeting.
--Stefan Zweig
It is never until one realizes that one means something to others that one feels there is any point or purpose in one's own existence.
--Stefan Zweig
Life is futile unless it be directed towards a definite goal.
--Stefan Zweig
Memory is so corrupt that you remember only what you want to; if you want to forget about something, slowly but surely you do.
--Stefan Zweig
No envy is more mean than that of small-minded beings when they see a neighbor lifted, as though borne aloft by angels, out of the dull drudgery of their common existence; petty spirits are more ready to forgive a prince the most fabulous wealth than a fellow-sufferer beneath the same yoke the smallest degree of freedom.
--Stefan Zweig
No guilt is forgotten so long as the conscience still knows of it.
--Stefan Zweig
No one would ever believe how hard it is to be really alone in a city of millions when you don't have money.
--Stefan Zweig
One can run away from anything but oneself.
--Stefan Zweig
One must be convinced to convince, to have enthusiasm to stimulate the others.
--Stefan Zweig
One's emotional state is always determined by the oddest and most accidental things, and it is precisely the most superficial factors that often fortify or diminish our courage.
--Stefan Zweig
People who are so much at the mercy of their moods should never be given serious responsibilities.
--Stefan Zweig
States of profound happiness, like all other forms of intoxication, are apt to befuddle the wits; intense enjoyment of the present always makes one forget the past.
--Stefan Zweig
Supreme achievement and outstanding capacity are only rendered possible by mental concentration, by a sublime monomania that verges on lunacy.
--Stefan Zweig
The avaricious are thrifty with time as well as money.
--Stefan Zweig
The dressmaker doesn't have problems unless the dress has to hide rather than reveal.
--Stefan Zweig
The heart is able to bury deep and well what is urgently desires to forget.
--Stefan Zweig
The instinct for self-deception in human beings makes them try to banish from their minds dangers of which at bottom they are perfectly aware by declaring them non-existent.
--Stefan Zweig
The organic fundamental error of humanism was that it desired to educate the common people (on whom it looked down) from its lofty stance instead of trying to understand them and to learn from them.
--Stefan Zweig
The soul is made of stuff so mysteriously elastic that a single event can make it big enough to contain the infinite.
--Stefan Zweig
There is no understanding of the past without personal experience, without reliving it in imagination.
--Stefan Zweig
There is nothing more terrible than to be alone among human beings.
--Stefan Zweig
There is nothing more vindictive, nothing more underhanded, than a little world that would like to be a big one.
--Stefan Zweig
To grow old means to be rid of anxieties about the past.
--Stefan Zweig
Truth to tell, we are all criminals if we remain silent....
--Stefan Zweig
Why is it that the stupidest people are always the most good-natured?
--Stefan Zweig
Found 34 occurence(s) in 52,267 quotation(s).