A belief is a question we have put aside so we can get on with what we believe we have to do.
--James Richardson
Any virtue systematically applied becomes a vice. Morality is attention, not system.
--James Richardson
Beware of knowing your virtues; you may lose them. Beware of knowing your vices; you may forgive them.
--James Richardson
Bitterness is a greater failure than failure.
--James Richardson
Easier to keep changing your life than to live it.
--James Richardson
Happiness is the readiness to be happy.
--James Richardson
How often feelings are circular. How embarrassing to be embarrassed. How annoying to be annoyed.
--James Richardson
If you do everything for one reason, then all you have done will become meaningless when the reason does.
--James Richardson
Let me have my dreams but not what I dream of.
--James Richardson
On what is valuable thieves and the law agree.
--James Richardson
Patience is decisive indecision.
--James Richardson
Patience is not very different from courage. It just takes longer.
--James Richardson
Reason is the lesser faith that steers us when we have already lost a greater one.
--James Richardson
Solitude takes time. One becomes alone, like a towel drying.
--James Richardson
Success is whatever humiliation everyone has agreed to compete for.
--James Richardson
The best way to get people to do what you want is not to be too particular about what you want.
--James Richardson
The best way to know your faults is to notice which ones you accuse others of.
--James Richardson
The cynic suffers the form of faith without love. Incredulity is his piety.
--James Richardson
The first abuse of power is not realizing that you have it.
--James Richardson
The first quest or the first love is also the last. The second isn't.
--James Richardson
The new gets old much faster than the old gets older.
--James Richardson
The road reaches every place, the short cut only one.
--James Richardson
The single sin is less of a problem than the good reasons for it.
--James Richardson
There are crimes I don't commit mainly because I don't want to find out I could.
--James Richardson
They say productivity is the key to confidence, and confidence... to productivity. And they're happy walking back and forth between these two rooms, each the excuse for the other.
--James Richardson
Think of all the smart people made stupid by flaws of character. The finest watch isn't fine long when used as a hammer.
--James Richardson
Those who are too slow to be intelligent deserve our patience, those who are too quick, our pity.
--James Richardson
To know, you just have to know. To believe, you have to make others believe.
--James Richardson
Value yourself according to the burdens you carry, and you will find everything a burden.
--James Richardson
Found 29 occurence(s) in 52,075 quotation(s).