A backlash against women's rights is nothing new. Indeed it's a recurring phenomenon: it returns every time women begin to make some headway towards equality, a seemingly inevitable early frost to the brief flowerings of feminism.
--Susan Faludi
A lot of people seem to want to make the institution of marriage substitute for a real relationship.
--Susan Faludi
All of women's aspirations- whether for education, work, or any form of self-determination- ultimately rest on their ability to decide whether and when to bear children. For this reason, reproductive freedom has always been the most popular item in each of the successive feminist agendas- and the most heavily assaulted target of each backlash.
--Susan Faludi
An accurate charting of American women's progress through history might look more like a corkscrew tilted slightly to one side, its loops inching closer to the line of freedom with the passage of time-but, like a mathematical curve approaching infinity, never touching its goal.
--Susan Faludi
As it turns out, social scientists have established only one fact about single women's mental health: employment improves it.
--Susan Faludi
Divorced men are more likely to meet their car payments than their child support obligations.
--Susan Faludi
Feminism's agenda is basic: it asks that women not be forced to 'choose' between public justice and private happiness. It asks that women be free to define themselves-instead of having their identity defined for them, time and again, by their culture and their men.
--Susan Faludi
For some high-profile men in trouble, women, especially feminist women, became the all-purpose scapegoats-charged with crimes that often descended into the absurd.
--Susan Faludi
Gender is really varied and complicated and sort of infinitely individualistic.
--Susan Faludi
I think a reason that a lot of people feel politically paralyzed is that it used to be clear how power was organised. But those who have their hands on the levers of popular culture today have great power- and it isn't even clear who they are.
--Susan Faludi
In place of equal respect, the nation offered women the Miss America beauty pageant, established in 1920-the same year women won the vote.
--Susan Faludi
It's fine to dress in polka dots and pink crinoline if you want. What I recoil from is the idea that that alone is the only way to be female.
--Susan Faludi
Keeping the peace with the particular man in one's life becomes more essential than battling the mass male culture.
--Susan Faludi
Self-esteem is the basis for feminism because self-esteem is based on defining yourself and believing in that definition. Self-esteem is regarding yourself as a grown-up.
--Susan Faludi
The 'feminine' woman is forever static and childlike. She is like the ballerina in an old-fashioned music box, her unchanging features tiny and girlish, her voice tinkly, her body stuck on a pin, rotating in a spiral that will never grow.
--Susan Faludi
The American woman has not yet slipped into a cocoon, but she has tumbled down a rabbit hole into sudden isolation.
--Susan Faludi
The culture used to move relatively slowly, so you could take aim. Now it moves so fast, and is so fluffy and meaningless, you feel like an idiot even complaining about it.
--Susan Faludi
The demand that women 'return to femininity' is a demand that the cultural gears shift into reverse, that we back up to a fabled time when everyone was richer, younger, more powerful.
--Susan Faludi
The economic victims of the era are men who who know someone has made off with their future- and they suspect the thief is a woman.
--Susan Faludi
The media and the rest of popular culture weren't recording people's reactions to 9/11; they were forcing made-up reactions down people's throats.
--Susan Faludi
The system of heroism depends on women to be weak so men can be strong.
--Susan Faludi
The women's movement hit my neighborhood like a freight train. Everybody got divorced. You wonder what would have happened to women if the suburbs hadn't been built.
--Susan Faludi
What happened with Hurricane Katrina was the American electorate was forced to look at what lay behind the veneer of chest-beating. We all saw the consequences of having terrible government leadership.
--Susan Faludi
When the enemy has no face, society will invent one.
--Susan Faludi
Women are enslaved by their own liberation.
--Susan Faludi
Women who had discovered pants, low-heeled shoes, and loose sweaters during World War II were reluctant to give them up in peacetime.
--Susan Faludi
Found 26 occurence(s) in 52,082 quotation(s).