Anyone who thinks small towns are friendlier than big cities lives in a big city.
--Richard Peck
But put two librarians' heads together, and mountains move.
--Richard Peck
Conformity is the enemy of friendship.
--Richard Peck
Fame is a funny thing, like a secret, both are hard to keep.
--Richard Peck
Humor is anger that was sent to finishing school.
--Richard Peck
I read because one life isn't enough, and in the page of a book I can be anybody.
--Richard Peck
I'm so far gone that I'm telling the truth. It sounds like a foreign language.
--Richard Peck
If you cannot find yourself on the page very early in life, you will go looking for yourself in all the wrong places.
--Richard Peck
If you're going to read minds, start with a simple one.
--Richard Peck
Never trust an ugly woman. She's got a grudge against the world, said Grandma, who was no oil painting herself.
--Richard Peck
Only the nonreader fears books.
--Richard Peck
The only way you can write is by the light of the bridges burning behind you.
--Richard Peck
This is how you hold onto your family. You hold them with open hands so they are free to find futures of their own. It's just that simple.
--Richard Peck
We don't write what we know. We write what we wonder about.
--Richard Peck
Writing is communication, not self-expression. Nobody in this world wants to read your diary except your mother.
--Richard Peck
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