KGB Quotation Database search
I have learned from my mistakes, and I am sure I can repeat them exactly
--Peter Cook
I met a man at a party. He said 'I'm writing a novel' I said 'Oh really? Neither am I.'
--Peter Cook
I went to the University of Life and was chucked out.
--Peter Cook
I would much prefer to be a judge than a coal miner because of the absence of falling coal.
--Peter Cook
Job was what you'd technically describe as a loony.
--Peter Cook
Life is a matter of passing the time enjoyably. There may be other things in life, but I've been too busy passing my time enjoyably to think very deeply about them.
--Peter Cook
One of the ways to avoid being beaten by the system is to laugh at it.
--Peter Cook
The garden of Eden was a boggy swamp just south of Croydon. You can see it over there.
--Peter Cook
What terrible sins I have working for me. I suppose it's the wages.
--Peter Cook
You fill me with inertia.
--Peter Cook
You know, I go to the theater to be entertained... I don't want to see plays about rape, sodomy and drug addiction... I can get all that at home.
--Peter Cook
You realize that suicide's a criminal offense- In less enlightened times they'd have hung you for it.
--Peter Cook
Found 12 occurence(s) in 52,267 quotation(s).
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