A flower is an educated weed.
--Luther Burbank
Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
--Luther Burbank
For those who do not think, it is best at least to rearrange their prejudices once in a while.
--Luther Burbank
Heredity is nothing but stored environment.
--Luther Burbank
Heredity: the traits that a disobedient child gets from the other parent.
--Luther Burbank
I don't feel so good.
(last words, attrib.).
--Luther Burbank
If you violate Nature's laws you are your own prosecuting attorney, judge, jury, and hangman.
--Luther Burbank
It is well for people who think, to change their minds occasionally in order to keep them clean.
--Luther Burbank
Less than fifteen per cent of the people do any original thinking on any subject. The greatest torture in the world for most people is to think.
--Luther Burbank
Men should stop fighting among themselves and start fighting insects.
--Luther Burbank
Science is knowledge arranged and classified according to truth, facts, and the general laws of nature.
--Luther Burbank
Science is the only savior.
--Luther Burbank
Science, unlike theology, never leads to insanity.
--Luther Burbank
The greatest happiness in the world is to make others happy.
--Luther Burbank
The integrity of one's own mind is of infinitely more value than adherence to any creed or system. We must choose between a dead faith belonging to the past and a living, growing ever-advancing science belonging to the future.
--Luther Burbank
The time has come for honest men to denounce false teachers and attack false gods.
--Luther Burbank
There is no personal salvation; there is no national salvation except through science.
--Luther Burbank
Found 17 occurence(s) in 52,118 quotation(s).