A memoir is an exercise in vulgarity, candor, excess, and overkill.
--Liz Smith
All weddings, except those with shotguns in evidence, are wonderful.
--Liz Smith
Bad gossip drives out good gossip.
--Liz Smith
Be a part of the solution to avoid being part of the problem. Assistants and workers who love to deposit 'insoluble' problems at the feet of their employers like dead kittens will always remain in assistant positions.
--Liz Smith
Do not join encounter groups. If you enjoy being made to feel inadequate, call your mother.
--Liz Smith
Gossip is a luxury we can no longer afford.
--Liz Smith
Gossip is a news story with a lot of leeway.
--Liz Smith
Gossip is just news running ahead of itself in a red satin dress.
--Liz Smith
Gossip is one of the great luxuries of a democracy. It is the tawdry jewel in the crown of free speech and free expression. You don't read gossip columns in dictatorships.
--Liz Smith
I don't repeat gossip- so listen carefully.
--Liz Smith
I think that some public figures are more fair game than others. It's gloves off on politicians and people whose public image is perfection, like the televangelists... people who claim to be spiritual or moral leaders. They are the whited sepulchers waiting for our graffiti.
--Liz Smith
Most of us aren't as clean as a hound's tooth. But most of us aren't running for President.
--Liz Smith
Mother as an ideal is unfair in the same manner as woman as a sex object.
--Liz Smith
No matter who you are or what you plan to do in life, learn to type!
--Liz Smith
The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can.
--Liz Smith
There is nothing that more obviously separates the powerful from the powerless than graciousness.
--Liz Smith
To deny we need and want power is to deny that we hope to be effective.
--Liz Smith
You can't build a reputation on what you intend to do.
--Liz Smith
Found 18 occurence(s) in 52,059 quotation(s).