KGB Quotation Database search
Do what you love, and you will find the way to get it out to the world.
--Judy Collins
Even the devil works for God.
--Judy Collins
Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other.
--Judy Collins
Humanity is filled with beautiful and positive and powerful people who care.
--Judy Collins
Irish Alzheimer's: you forget everything except the grudges.
--Judy Collins
Most of what we take as being important is not material, whether it's music or feelings or love. They're things we can't really see or touch. They're not material, but they're vitally important to us.
--Judy Collins
Suffering is the price of being alive.
--Judy Collins
Survival, I know, is to begin again.
--Judy Collins
The opening line from a journal can be the beginning of a song.
--Judy Collins
When you have a belief, then you make your views known.
--Judy Collins
Found 10 occurence(s) in 52,045 quotation(s).
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