All human beings, all persons who reach adulthood in the world today are programmed biocomputers. No one of us can escape our own nature as programmable entities. Literally, each of us may be our programs, nothing more, nothing less.
--John C. Lilly
All laws are simulations of reality.
--John C. Lilly
I believe in our culture we need certain socially accepted places where we don't answer the telephone, we don't have to answer questions or agree with anyone on anything.
--John C. Lilly
In the province of the mind, there are no limits.
--John C. Lilly
In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true.
--John C. Lilly
My philosophy: Don't get caught with a fixed philosophy, a set of safe beliefs, a particular way of life.
--John C. Lilly
Our only security is our ability to change.
--John C. Lilly
The experienced, wise, energetic, intelligent individual functioning in a loose coalition with others in a wide network is far more effective than he is in a tightly organized group.
--John C. Lilly
The fear that the universe is not what you assume it to be is very basic, especially when you know damn well it isn't what you assume it to be.
--John C. Lilly
The miracle is that the universe created a part of itself, to study itself, and that this part in studying itself finds the rest of the universe in its own natural inner realities.
--John C. Lilly
There are no mistakes, there are only correctable errors. There are no errors, there are only alternate programs.
--John C. Lilly
You don't have to suffer continual chaos in order to grow.
--John C. Lilly
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