A man never discloses his own character so clearly as when he describes another's.
--Jean Paul
A scholar knows no boredom.
--Jean Paul
Because the heart beats under a covering of hair, of fur, feathers, or wings, it is, for that reason, to be of no account?
--Jean Paul
Each departed friend is a magnet that attracts us to the next world.
--Jean Paul
Every man regards his own life as the New Year's Eve of time.
--Jean Paul
For no one does life drag more disagreeably than for those who try to speed it up.
--Jean Paul
For sleep, riches and health to be truly enjoyed and gratefully appreciated, they must be interrupted so the person can see that not having them is not as good as having them.
--Jean Paul
Gray hairs seem to my fancy like the soft light of the moon, silvering over the evening of life.
--Jean Paul
Has it never occurred to us, when surrounded by sorrows, that they may be sent to us only for our instruction, as we darken the eyes of birds when we wish them to sing?
--Jean Paul
It is not the end of joy that makes old age so sad, but the end of hope.
--Jean Paul
It is simpler and easier to flatter people than to praise them.
--Jean Paul
Memory is the only paradise out of which we cannot be driven away.
--Jean Paul
Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life.
--Jean Paul
Nothing is more beautiful than cheerfulness in an old face.
--Jean Paul
Paradise is always where love dwells.
--Jean Paul
People will not bear it when advice is violently given, even if it is well founded. Hearts are flowers; they remain open to the softly falling dew, but shut up in the violent downpour of rain.
--Jean Paul
Recollection is the only paradise from which we cannot be turned out.
--Jean Paul
The grandest of heroic deeds are those which are performed within four walls and in domestic privacy.
--Jean Paul
The past and future are veiled; but the past wears the widow's veil; the future, the virgin's.
--Jean Paul
There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go.
--Jean Paul
There is a joy in sorrow which none but a mourner can know.
--Jean Paul
We learn our virtues from our friends who love us; our faults from the enemy who hates us. We cannot easily discover our real character from a friend. He is a mirror, on which the warmth of our breath impedes the clearness of the reflection.
--Jean Paul
What has puzzled us before seems less mysterious, and the crooked paths look straighter as we approach the end.
--Jean Paul
With so many thousand joys, is it not black ingratitude to call the world a place of sorrow and torment?
--Jean Paul
You prove your worth with your actions, not with your mouth.
--Jean Paul
Found 25 occurence(s) in 52,059 quotation(s).