After sex, all animals are sad; after any kind of pleasure, really. We're not built for pleasure. We're built for agony and for seeing things too clearly, which is often a terrible agony in itself.
--George Alec Effinger
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from doubletalk.
--George Alec Effinger
Any thought which is printed, either here or in the paper, without subsequent attack is generally believed to be true. This is not so much a logical condition as it is a fault of human nature. A longstanding or constant idea is often equated with a true one.
--George Alec Effinger
I believe in a political revolution, without the aid of the military. I would rather win a man's mind than compel his obedience.
--George Alec Effinger
I figured if Allah had wanted us up that early, He wouldn't have invented noon.
--George Alec Effinger
If I examine myself closely enough, I find hints of every objectionable quality known to man.
--George Alec Effinger
Isolation is nice... It's a shame you can't share it with anybody.
--George Alec Effinger
It is the nature of religions to put a higher premium on your proper attention to ritual than on your convenience.
--George Alec Effinger
Marriage was something I thought happened only to other people, like fatal traffic accidents.
--George Alec Effinger
People who live their lives by proverbs waste their time doing lots of stupid things. 'Getting even is the best revenge' is my motto.
--George Alec Effinger
Perpetual lust has got to be good for the human race.
--George Alec Effinger
Police departments all over the world were identical in two respects: they all have a fondness for breaking your head open for little or no provocation, and they can't see the simple truth if it's lying in front of them naked with its legs spread.
--George Alec Effinger
Politicians and sex stars may cuddle up to you and it doesn't prove a thing, but when the butlers of the world notice you, you realize that some of what you believe about yourself is true.
--George Alec Effinger
Premature burial works just fine as a cure for adolescence.
--George Alec Effinger
Proper knowledge defeats the shouting minions of emotion.
--George Alec Effinger
The idea of sin and retribution is just an attempt to hide behind the shield of superstition. You are trying to find rational causes where there aren't any.
--George Alec Effinger
The longer I observe the way people really act, the happier I am that I never pay attention to them.
--George Alec Effinger
The universe doesn't have secrets... only lies and swindles.
--George Alec Effinger
There are more strains of courage than merely facing a sword.
--George Alec Effinger
Turmoil and revolution in their best guises serve to tear down ancient and meaningless customs, in favor of practical social reform.
--George Alec Effinger
Various Horsemen are abroad, doing their various Apocalyptic things.
--George Alec Effinger
When you wander into the highest level of international affairs, it's almost always dirty.
--George Alec Effinger
Found 22 occurence(s) in 52,118 quotation(s).