A good woman would rather be the mother of a genius than the wife of a hero.
--Gelett Burgess
A wedding in haste is worth two at leisure.
--Gelett Burgess
As the dog becomes thoroughbred in the laws of clan and caste; obedient, fraternal and loyal; so is the man who accepts the gentleman's code.
--Gelett Burgess
Can a woman entertain a man and a pet at the same time? I say unto thee, one of the twain shall suffer jealousy.
--Gelett Burgess
Every person has some splendid traits and if we confine our contacts so as to bring those traits into action, there is no need of ever being bored or irritated or indignant.
--Gelett Burgess
I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one;
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one!
--Gelett Burgess
If in the last few years you have not discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead.
--Gelett Burgess
If you wish to be positive, which means youthful, never speak of the past any more than you can help.
--Gelett Burgess
Imagination is like a lofty building reared to meet the sky; whereas fancy is a balloon that soars at the wind's will.
--Gelett Burgess
Love is only chatter, friends are all that matter.
--Gelett Burgess
Maxims are like lawyers who must need to see but one side of the case.
--Gelett Burgess
Men like to pursue an elusive woman like a cake of wet soap- even men who hate baths.
--Gelett Burgess
Most women have all other women as adversaries; most men have all other men as their allies.
--Gelett Burgess
Old friends, we say, are best, when some sudden disillusionment shakes our faith in a new comrade.
--Gelett Burgess
Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies.
--Gelett Burgess
Son, if a maiden love thee, thou shalt appear handsome in her sight; she shall praise thine eyes, and the corners of thy mouth, yea, she shall admire thy hands. Though thou wert even as the orangutan yet shall she paint thee with fancies.
--Gelett Burgess
Style is doing things not in any way but in the best way.
--Gelett Burgess
The fear of women is the beginning of knowledge.
--Gelett Burgess
The old say, 'I remember when.' The young say, 'What's the news?'
--Gelett Burgess
There is work that is work and there is play that is play; there is play that is work and work that is play. And in only one of these lies happiness.
--Gelett Burgess
To appreciate nonsense requires a serious interest in life.
--Gelett Burgess
When the waitress puts the dinner on the table, the old men look at the dinner. The young men look at the waitress.
--Gelett Burgess
Without bigots, eccentrics, cranks and heretics the world would not progress.
--Gelett Burgess
Woo her not till thou hast seen her mother, for a score of years worketh wonders.
--Gelett Burgess
Found 24 occurence(s) in 52,118 quotation(s).